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Original Article A Survey on the Dietary Intake of the Elderly in an Urban Area and on Analysis of the Related Factors.
Sun Hee Kim
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1985;18(1):73-82
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Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.
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This study was conducted to evaluate nutritional status with the analysis of the factors which might influence on the prevalent condition of nutrients-intake. 373 persons who are above 60 years old in Chung-Gu, Seoul were surveyed from March 15 to March 30 in 1985. Results were as follows; 1. General Characteristics. 1) Male respondents among the entire respondents comprised 54.3% and female respondents comprised 45.7%, As for age, male and female respondents comprised 55.0% and 37.2% respectively. 2) As for the educational level of the respondents, illiteracy was 49.9% which was the highest rate, and those who graduated elementary school was 28.1% which was the second highest. And as for the comparison of the education of the male and female respondents, the educational level of male respondents was much higher than that of female respondents. 3) As for the final occupation of the respondents, those who were engaged in commerce comprised 30.8% which was the highest rate, and who were engaged in agriculture comprised 20.1% which was the second highest rate. And those who were engaged in labor comprised 12.3%. 2. The State of Nutrients-intake. The energy of the male respondents was 61.4% of RDA and the protein was nothing but 66.8% of RDA. Except vitamin A, vitamin B1 and niacin, calcium, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin C were lower than RDA (the range: 67.5%-97.3%). The energy of the female respondents was 70.0% of RDA and the protein was 58.8% which were lower than RDA. Except vitamin A and vitamin B1, calcium, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin C, niacine were lower than RDA (the range: 68.2%-98.9%). 3. The various factors related to nutrients-intake. 1) The composition of family and the food environment those who were living with their spouses comprised 44.8% which was the highest rate, and those who were living with their son's family comprised 33.5% which was the second highest rate and those who were living with their daughter's family comprised only 4.6%. Those who were living alone comprised 16.4%. The correlation with nutrient intake didn't show a clear relation. 2) Socio-economic state. Those who said that they lacked in living expense comprised 32.7% and those who said that they lacked in pocket-money comprised 23.9%. The female respondents outnumbered the male respondents in lacking living expense or pocket-money. In the correlation with socio-economic, there was no striking relation with education level. However, it was shown that little relation in energy, fat in male and also fat and iron in female. The living expense and the satisfaction in pocket-money had also little relation with energy fat and vitamin C in male. 3) Nutrition knowledge and food habit. (a) The state of nutrition knowledge and food habit. In nutrition knowledge, those who scored less than 60 points were 32.9%, and those who scored more than 90 points were 21.0%. In food habit, those who scored less than 60 points were 26.5% and those who scored more than 80 points were 45%. (b) The correlation with nutrition knowledge and food habit. In case of female respondents, nutrition knowledge had a little relation with the intake of cabohydrate, iron, and vitamin C. And we couldn't see a distinct phenomenon in food habit.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health