Primary screening test for serum HBsAg by RPHA from 4,805 persons who were clinically well through preemployment examination for the period of one calendar year of 1983 revealed 476 (9.9%) positive individual carriers. There were no significant differences in distribution of positives of serum HBsAg by age group, profession, or province area. Among positives of serum HBsAg, 356 (74.8%) showed normal findings and 120 (25.2%) showed abnormal findings in liver function test, respectively. Radioimmunoassay was done in 169 positives of HBsAg and RIA detected 10 negative persons who were positive by RPHA revealing 5.9% of false positive rate and 94.1% of sensitivity of RPHA. In RIA profile of HBV markers, pattern I (HBsAg+, Anti-HBe+) was 46.6%, pattern II (HBsAg+, HBeAg+) was 33.3%, pattern III (HBsAg+only) was 18.3%, pattern IV (HBsAg+, HBeAg+, Anti-HBs+) was 1.3%, pattern V (HBsAg+, HBeAg+, Anti-HBe+) was 0.6%, respectively. There were no positives of HBsAg among 10 persons who were negatives of HBsAg by RIA.