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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 15(1); 1982 > Article
Original Article Effects of Oral D-Penicillamine in Treatment of Industrial Lead Poisoning.
Soon Duck Kim
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1982;15(1):131-138
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For the purpose of the curative effects of oral D-penicillamine in lead Ip0soning,D-penicillamine was orally administered to 7 lead poisoned workers which were employed in glaze product industry dealing with the lead oxide (Pb3O4). The doses of D-penicillamine was 1, 200mg per day which was administered by oral 7days schedules, taking for 5 days and stopping for the following 2days, repeatedly during 3 months period-(All the poisoned workers started working again in that industry after I month treatment, and were treated by oral D-penicillamine for 2 months still being exposed to contaminated environment. In order to evaluate the curative effects of D-penicillamine, IOgm of whole blood and 24 hours urine were collected every 14 days during the curative period for laboratory analysis(hemoglobin, blood lead. urine c-aminolevulinic acid, urine coproporphyrin, and urine lead levels) with the observation of the clinical symptoms. The results were as follows; 1. Oral D-penicillamine effected good curative results as that hemoglobin, blood lead, urine caminolevulinic acid, and urine coproporphyrin levels were decreased belpiv the critical level within 1 month treatment. 2. After re-exposure, oral D-penicillamine effected to some extent as that urine lead level was decreased 'below the critical level after 3 months treatment with disappgarence of the clinical symptoms after 2 months treatment. However, the curative effects of orral D-penicillamine in the lead exposure state is questionable since increasement of blood lead' level and remarkable decreasement of urine lead level after 3 months treatment can be observed.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health