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Original Article A Study on industrial Accidents of Workers in Jeonbug Areas.
In Dam Hwang, Young Soo Park, Suk Kwon Suh
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1981;14(1):89-96
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Of 2,740 industries in Jeonbug area which are covered by industrial insurance policy, 462 facilities which the accidents related to industry occurred during the year of 1979 were studied, and the results are summarized as follows; 1. The accidents related to industry occurred in 462 industries of the total 2,740 industrial facilities in Jeonbug area as of 1979. 2. The incidence rate accident per 1,000 workers was 34.3(49.2 in male workers and 12.8% in female workers), the frequency rate of the total industries in Jeonbug area was 13.36, and severity rate was 1.3. 3. The frequency rates and severity rates by type of industry in study area were quit different to compare with those of national rates. 4. The incidence rate of construction industry was 223.6 per 1,000 workers, and that of transportation-communication industries were 78.6. 5. The proportion of industrial accidents of 20-24 age group was 22.1 percent of the total accidents, and the proportions decreased according to age increase. 6. The incidence rate in the industry having less than 49 workers was 20.6 per 1,000 workers, that of industry with 50-99% workers was 26.7, that of industry with100-199 was 51.9, that of industry with 200-499 was 80.2 and that of with more than 500 workers was 40.7. 7. The accidents which occurred in the workers with experience of less than one year was 69.4 percent of the total accidents, otherwise, the longer the workers have worked the less accident they have. 8.The most accidents occurred in the shift between 10 to12 o'clock, and 16 to 18 hour. 9. The primary causes of the industrial accidents were found to be collisions, machinery, falling objects and falls. 10. The site of injury by type of industry were quit different, and the major site of injury was finger. 11. The laceration and open injuries of the accidents related to industry were 37.2 percent of the total ceases, and fractures or dislocations were 28.5 percent, and contusions were 6.5% percent. 12. Death rate of industrial accident was 5.0 per 1,000 workers, and those of industry were 47.6 in transportation, 42.8 in construction industry, 24.4 in mine industry, and 2.0 in manufacturing industry.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health