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Cheol In Rhyu 1 Article
A study on the Values of Total Serum Cholesterol in Healthy Non-Pregnant and Pregnant Women.
Cheol In Rhyu, Don Kyoun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(2):167-177.
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The author investigated the values of total serum cholesterol and its correlation with the physical factors to have potential as a line in the chain of basic investigation to establish maternal health program. The study group was composed of 167 healthy non-pregnant and 209 pregnant women in the age of 20-39 residing in Pusan area. The obtained results were as follows: 1. No significant differences were found in height and systolic and diastolic blood pressure in both groups except for the elevation of Broca's index by gaining the weight in pregnant women. 2. There were significant differences in the total serum cholesterol level of the healthy and pregnant women as 165.9 and 212.6 mg/dl, respectively, not showing the differences in the age. Total serum cholesterol values in both group followed approximately normal distrubution curve. 3. The significant correlation to the values of total serum cholesterol were found between weight and Broca's index in healthy women and between weight, Broca's index and duration of pregnancy in pregnant women. 4. The values of total serum cholesterol in pregnant women showed increasing tendency with the duration of pregnancy as 168.1 in 12 weeks and below, 209.6 mg/dl in 13-26 weeks and 235.4 mg/dl in 27 weeks and above group. Total serum cholesterol values by duration of pregnancy followed normal distribution curve.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health