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Do Myung Paek 9 Articles
The Resting Electrocardiographic ST Segment Depression and Related Factors at a Rural Adult Community, Korea.
Yu Mi Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Jin Ho Shin, Heon Kil Lim, Do Myung Paek, Bo Youl Choi
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(6):485-492.
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To measure the distribution of electrocardiographic ST segment depression, and evaluate its relationships with cardiovascular risk factors based on the cross-sectional studies within a rural Korean community. METHODS: This study analyzed 1,343 persons, over 40 years old, who participated in a baseline survey during 2002~2005; the exclusion criteria included: a past history of myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, and specific conduction abnormalities. A Standard 12 leads ECG was recorded using an FCP-2101 (Fukuda Denshi Co.). The ST segment depression was retrospectively measured by a physician, according to the Minnesota code classification. RESULTS: ST segment depression was found in 3.6 and 6.4% of male and female participants, respectively. After adjusting for age, gender, smoking, physical activity and obesity differences, high blood pressure showed significant relations with ST depression in females (male ORs=2.67, 95% CI=0.85-8.50; female ORs=2.62, 95% CI=1.29-5.32) CONCLUSIONS: As an ischemic ECG sign, ST depression was related to hypertension in female participants. This relationship remained significant, even after cases with left ventricular hypertrophy were removed.
Study on the Relationship between Childhood Obesity and Various Determinants, including Socioeconomic Factors, in an Urban Area.
Hee Tae Kang, Young Su Ju, Kyung Hee Park, Young Jun Kwon, Hyoung June Im, Do Myung Paek, Hyun Joo Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(5):371-378.
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This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of childhood obesity, the association between the undesirable lifestyles and socioeconomic factors, the association between childhood obesity and various risk factors, including socioeconomic factors, and the agreement between the body mass index (BMI) classification and the body fat percentage. METHODS: The study subjects were all the 5th grade students from all the elementary schools in Gunpo City, Kyunggi Province, South Korea (4043 children at 22 schools). The subjects were measured for their height, weight and percent body fat etc. and they were also surveyed by questionnaire from March 18th to April 25th, 2005. To determine whether the children were within normal limits or not, standardized BMIs for each age group were used. The data was analyzed by logistic regression analysis using SAS 9.0 version. RESULTS: The prevalence of childhood obesity prevalence was 25.1%. Boys had a higher prevalence of obesity (27.5%) than did the girls (22.5%). Children had tendencies of having undesirable lifestyles and getting obese if they had a lower socioeconomic status. The risk factors for childhood obesity were low paternal education (OR: 1.17, 95% CI: 0.97-1.42) and non-parental caregivers (OR : 1.34, 95% CI: 0.98-1.82). Other risk factors for childhood obesity were a high birth-weight, longer TV/computer-using time, a lower fruit-eating frequency, short sleeping hours and parental obesity. The agreement rate between the BMI classification and the body fat percentage was 93.1%. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed the children had a higher prevalence of obesity: further, not only individual lifestyles, but also socioeconomic factors could influence childhood obesity. Childhood obesity was especially more problematic for children with a low socioeconomic status.
Does Non-standard Work Affect Health?.
Il Ho Kim, Do myung Paek, Sung Il Cho
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(3):337-344.
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Job insecurity, such as non-standard work, is reported to have an adverse impact on health, regardless of health behaviors. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between non-standard employment and health in Korea. METHODS: We analyzed a representative weighted sample, which consisted of 2, 112 men and 1, 237 women, aged 15-64, from the 1998 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Non-standard employment included part-time permanent, short time temporary and daily workers. Self-reported health was used as a health indicator. RESULTS: This study indicated that women were more likely to report poorer health than men with standard jobs. Of all employees, 20.3% were female manual workers. After adjusting for potential confounders, such as age, education, equivalent income, marital, social and selfreported economic status and health behavior factors, nonstandard employment was found to be significantly associated with poor health among female manual workers (OR, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.24 to 2.79). No significant association was found in other working groups. CONCLUSIONS: Among female manual workers, nonstandard employees reported significantly poorer health compared with standard workers. This result raises concern as there are increasing numbers of non-standard workers, particularly females.
Development of Questionnaire for Evaluating Health Effect Associated with Air Pollution.
Yeong Su Ju, Dae Sung Kim, Jong Won Kang, Joo Heon Seong, Dae Hee Kang, Soo Hun Cho, Do Myung Paek
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):852-869.
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This study was conducted to develope and evaluate the reliability and the validity of a questionnaire in order to determine the applicability as a screening tool for estimating environmental exposure and health effects related to air pollution. The questionnaire was developed with adopting some items of others such as ISAAC or ATS-DLD. And then we performed test-retest to 89 middle school students and their mothers at interval of three months. Cohen's Kappa values, weighted Kappa values, Spearman's correlation coefficients, and Pearson's correlation coefficients for each item were computed as reliability coefficients. The validity coefficients and validity coefficient bounds were also obtained by simply using these reliability coefficients. As results, Kappa ranged broadly from 0.10 to 0.61 of the items 'diet', 0.52~0.79 of the environmental tobacco smoke, 0.39~0.44 of the functional categories of surrounding environment, and 0.54~0.63 of the using transportation systems; these items were regarded as confounding factors. For items related to health outcomes, Kappa ranged from -0.02 to 0.37 in the respiratory system of past medical history, and from 0.11 to 0.55 in the current health status. But Kappa of the others were over 0.60. In conclusion, if some items can be corrected or modified, the questionnaire developed in this study can be used as a tool for evaluating environmental exposure and health effects associated with air pollution.
A SMR study of Korean public servants.
Hyun Kyung Kim, Yong Chul Kim, Do Myung Paek
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(2):293-307.
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In Korea, sudden deaths of middle-aged and older male workers who are the responsible persons at home as well as workplace, have aroused social concern. Besides, U.N. has reported recently that mortality of Korea male in 40-50's was one of the highest among newly developed countries in 1992. Not much is, however, known about the nature of the work contributing to the mortality of different groups of workers. Therefore, this study was done to examine mortality of public servants, comprising about 5% of all the employed in Korea, according to their job titles and grades. The datas of 1753 official deaths, comprised 323 (only disease-oriented deaths) applicants of survivors' compensation, were used to examine age-adjusted Standardized Mortality Ratios(SMRs) according to their job titles, grades, tenures and cause of deaths. Controlling age and sex difference was conducted using 26,950,481 general population, 95,340 general deaths and 864,560 working public servants. All the groups were aged 20-64, who were being observed January - December in 1993, at the same time. Results and discussions are as follows. 1. SMRs standardized by general population was significantly low (SMR 44.9 CI 42.8-52.7) for all job titlses. Of public servants, 90.0% was graduated from high school, although 17.5% in general population. The distinction of social status such a education may produce a strong healthy worker effect. Besides, SMRs for different tenure groups showed a steady increase as tenure increases. This suggests that the magnitude of healthy-worker effect may be greater with increasing tenures. 2. SMRs standardized by own public servants was significantly elevated for workmen(SMR 121.0, CI 110.2-132.6) in solitue. When SMRs for different grade of workmen was examined, 9th(SMR 124.2, CI 104.4-146.7) and 10th(SMR 137.9 CI 120.8-156.8)grade, lower grade in workmen, showed significantly elevated SMRs. Of workmen, 57.0% were graduated from high school and 50.1% in 9th grade, as well. These mean that low economic states made up social class, education may increase mortality rate. 3. Of SMRs according to all causes of death, only policemen on 'cause of death related hypertensive disease'(SMR 282.5, CI 121.6-556.7) was significantly high except for 'cause of death related other signs, symptoms and ill-defined conditions'. 4. When SMRs on cause of death related hypertensive disease for different grade of policemen was examined, senior policemen(SMR 241.9), in charge of the front service, showed elevated SMR, in spite of statistical no significance. Especially, the working hour of senior policemen is quite long and also the work schedule is even more irregular for policemen. The results of this study showed that mortality for different jobs differed, and it differed also for different grades in the same job. This difference in mortality may reflect the difference in the nature of job contents, and further studies are warranted to elucidate which job characteristics are responsible.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among workers in a condom industry.
Joong Koo Kang, Do Myung Paek, Young Jung Lee, Hyeo Il Ma, Mi A Song, Hong Ki Lee, Jung Keun Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(3):507-520.
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The objectives of this study are to investigate the prevalence of occupation related carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS) among workers in a condom industry; to analyse the sensitivity and specificity of clinical signs or symptoms such as hand diagram, Tinel's sign and Phalen's sign in carpal tunnel syndrome; and to test vibration threshold test using audiometry as a technically easy and noninvasive method in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome in stead of nerve conduction velocity(NCV). The study group was divided into exposed group(39 cases)and non-exposed group(48 cases) based on whether or not excessive use of wrist movements exist. 1. There are statistically significant differences in symptoms and signs of carpal tunnel syndrome such as hand diagram, Tinel's sign and Phalen's sign between exposed and non-exposed group(p<0.05). 2. Six cases(9 hands) were confirmed as carpal tunnel syndrome by NCV. Five cases(7 hands) belonged to exposed group, 1 case(2 hands) to nonexposed group. As there are significant differences in prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome between two groups(p<0.05), excessive use of wrist in occupation is a risk factor of carpal tunnel syndrome. 3. When we use NCV as a gold standard in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome, sensitivity and specificity of hand diagram, Tinel's sign and Phalen's sign is as followed; hand diagram; sensitivity 88.9%, specificity 84.2%. Tinel's sign; sensitivity 55.6%, specificity 72.8%. Phalen's sign; sensitivity 14.3%, specificity 88.4%. Among above clinical signs and symptoms, hand diagram is the best clinical screening test. 4. The differences of vibration threshold between median and ulnar nerve at the same time are useful in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome but the time change of vibration threshold of median nerve over time are not sensitive enough. It is concluded that vibration threshold between median and ulnar nerve at the same time can be used as a supplementary or alternative criterion to indicate that the nerve dysfunction is located in the carpal tunnel.
An Analytic Study on the Effect of Carbon Disulfide on the Blood Pressure.
Jong Tae Park, Hae Joon Kim, Yong Tae Yum, Do Myung Paek
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):581-596.
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To investigate the effect of carbon disulfide on blood pressure, the BP measurements in the periodic health examination results and the medical records of factory clinic were reviewed The study subjects were composed of 1336 male and 544 female workers, who were categorized into three groups by the exposure status-highly exposed, moderately exposed and non-exposed group. The results of the study were as follows; 1. The age-adjusted mean systolic and diastolic BP of male workers were 122.35 mmHg/79.11mmHg in highly exposed, 121.57mmHg/79.05mmHg in moderately exposed and 122.67mmHg/82.27mmHg in non-exposed group. For female workers, BP were 115.13mmHg/74.49mmHg in moderately exposed and 113.48mmHg/74.30mmHg in non-exposed group. 2. In multiple regression analysis of maximum BP against Age and tenure, the slope coefficients of age and tenure on the systolic BP were 0.379, 0.667 respectively and those on the diastolic BP were 0.331, 0.405 respectively in highly exposed male workers. Tenure was a significant variable in this study. For female workers, however, the slope coefficients of tenure on BP were significant only for systolic BP of moderately- expected group. 3. In multiple regression analysis of Bp against age, cumulative exposure index(CEI), cholesterol, all the variables showed significant slope coefficients in male, but age and CEl on systolic BP were significant for female workers (P<0.05). 4. In the multiple analysis of the amount of Bp change and the velocity of Bp change among male workers, the slope coefficients of tenure tended to increase as exposure level increased. Among female workers, the slope coefficients of tenure were significant on the amount of Bp change and the velocity of Bp change in moderately exposed group.
Respiratory Health of Foundry Workers Exposed to Binding Resin.
Jung Keun Choi, Chang Ok Rhee, Do Myung Paek, Byung Soon Choi, Yong Chul Shin, Ho Keun Chung
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(2):274-285.
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The effects of resin on the respiratory health have been investigated in 309 workers from four iron and steel foundries and the results compared with those from 122 workers who were not significantly exposed to resin gas and silica dust at the same industries. Phenol-formaldehyde resin was used in the core making and molding processes and workers were exposed to their decomposition products as well as to silica dist containing particulates The subjects were grouped according to formaldehyde, dust and other gas exposures, and smoking habits were considered also in the analysis. Standardized respiratory symptom questionnaire was administered by trained interviewers. Chest radiograph, pulmonary function tests, and methacholine challenge tests were done. Environmental measurements at the breathing zone were carried out to determine levels of formaldehyde, respirable dust and total dust. Foundry workers had a higher prevalence of symptoms of chronic bronchitis with chronic phlegm and chronic cough when exposed to dust. Exposure to gas was significantly associated with lowered FEV1 and obstructive pulmonary function changes. Exposure to formaldehyde and phenol gas was associated with wheezing symptom among workers, but FEV1 changes after methacholine challenge were not significantly different among different exposure groups. When asthma was defined as the presence of bronchial hyperreactivity with more than 20% decrease in FEV1 after methacholine challenge, 17 workers out of 222 tested had asthma. Fewer asthmatic workers were found among groups exposed to for maldehyde, gas and dust, which indicates a healthy worker effects in a cross-sectional study. The concentration of formaldehyde gas ranged from 0.24 to 0.43 ppm among studied foundries. The authors conclude that fornaldehyde and phenol gas from combust resin is probably the cause of asthmatic symptoms and also a selection force of those with higher bronchial reactivity away from exposures.
Industry of Employment and Spontaneous Abortion of Female Workers.
Joung Soon Park, Myung Chae Na, Do Myung Paek, Ok Ryun Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(2):242-257.
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In Korea, female workforce has reached more than 40% of total working population but the effects of work on spontaneous abortion are yet to be examined. This study was conducted to investigate the occupational effects on spontaneous abortion. Medical insurance claim data were used to examine the effects of the employment status and industry of employment on spontaneous abortion The study population was composed of females, aged 15~44, who were the beneficiary of medical insurance in the month of June, 1993. The working females covered by medical insurance for industrial workers, hand the highest age-adjusted Spontaneous Abortion rate(SAB rate=claim frequency of spontaneous abortion/claim frequency of complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium), 6.65% whereas female dependants of medical insurance for industrial workers had the lowest age-adjusted SAB rate, 4.54%. Among industrial workers, the workers in manufacturing industry had the highest age-adjusted Spontaneous Abortion ratio(SAB ratio=claim frequency of spontaneous abortion/claim frequency of completely normal delivery), 43.2/100 whereas those in financing and service industry had age-adjusted SAB ratio, 16.2/100 and 20.5/100, respectively. The results of the study suggest the adverse effect of manufacturing industry on reproduction. Work environment such as chemical exposures, overwork, awkward posture, and job stress should be further studied for their effects on reproductive functions of female.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health