- The Effect of Combined Treatment of Cadmium and Methionine on the Accumulation of Cadmium in Liver and Kidney and the Activation of Alkaline Phosphatase in Blood of Mice.
Kyung Soo You, Eun Sang Bae, Chul Whan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1983;16(1):25-30.
- This research is to examine the detoxication effect of methionine on cadmium intoxication. For this purpose, this paper provides an analysis of the data on the groups of mice (ICR), one group of mice treated with 40 ppm of cadmium only, and other groups of mice combined-treated with cadmium and 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1% methionine. After breeding for 40 days, the data on the growth of mice, changes in activation of alkaline phosphatase in blood, and the cadmium content in the liver and kidney, are analysed. The results were as follow: 1) The growth-rate of mice, in the cadmium only injected group, was declined by 9% in comparison with the control group after 40 days. But the two groups of cadmium with 0.5% and 1% methionine showed the rise of 9% and 14% respectively above the growth-rate of the control group. The results from the groups of cadmium with 0.1% and 0.25% methionine were similar to that from the cadmium only injected group. 2) Changes in activation of alkaline phosphatase in blood decreased to 86.45% in the cadmium only injected group behind the 100% activation of the control group. The groups of cadmium with 0.1% and 0.25% methionine showed no difference with the former group. But the groups of cadmium with 0.5% and 1% methionine recovered to the 93.14% and 96.08% of activation respectively. 3) The mean content of cadmium in the liver was 0.028+/-0.001 microgram/g in the control group. The cadmium only injected group showed the mean cadmium content of 2.80+/-0.62 microgram/g in the liver, which was similar to 2.82+/-1.03 microgram/g in the group of cadmium with 0.1% methionine, and 2.56+/-0.77 microgram/g in the group of cadmium with 0.25% methionine. But the groups of cadmium with 0.5% and 1% methionine showed the reduction of cadmium contents in the liver to 1.84+/-0.56 microgram/g and 1.74+/-0.35 microgram/g respectively. In the kidney, the groups of cadmium with 0.1%, 0.25% and 0.5% methionine showed the similar cadmium content to the group treated with cadmium only. But the group of cadmium with 1% methionine showed a small increase to 4.13+/-1.00 microgram/g in comparison with the group treated with cadmium only. This analysis proves that the mobility and diffusion of cadmium in the tissues advance faster in the group treated with cadmium and methionine than in the group treated with cadmium only.
- A Study on the Crops Pollution with Heady Metal.
Yong Tae Yum, Eun Sang Bae, Bae Joung Yun
Korean J Prev Med. 1980;13(1):3-12.
- Certine heavy metals which may lead peoples to poisonous status are widely used in industry and their used have been increasing along with rapid industrialization of this country. Such an increasement of metal uses aggravates the status of environmental pollution affecting foodstuffs which are the most important life supporting factor of animal and human being. Concerning the safety measures to minimize food-borne transmission of such hazardous metals, surveillance is the backbone of them and probably more so with a potential problem such as intoxication. Theoretically, this surveillance should include the determination of levels of heavy metal toxicants in foods, the determination of food consumption patterns and typical total diet, and the estimation of total load the metal contaminant from all sources of exposure including air, water, and occupational sources. In recent year, actually, such estimates on the total daily intake of some heavy metals from foods have been made in several developed countries and a wide variation of date by season, locality, and research method was recognized. Also in this country, this kind of research data is vitally needed to make up for the serious shortage or lack of references to estimate the total amount of heavy metal intake of the people. In this study, a modification model for estimation of the total daily intake of cadmium copper, nickel, zinc, and lead through foods was applied and concentrations of the above metals in crops cultivated in this country were measured with atomic absorption spectrophotometer to get the following results. 1.Level of heavy metal concentration in crops. Generally, the levels of such metals in essential crops such as rice, cucumber, radish, chinese cabbage, apple, pear, grape, and orange are similar or lower than those in Japan and other developed countries. By the way, a striking result on cadmium concentration was increasement of its concentration in rice from 0-0.035ppm in 1970 to 0.11ppm in this study. However, the value is still far below the Japanese Permissible Level of 1.0ppm. 2. Estimation of total daily intake per from foods. A new model for estimation was devised utilizing levels of metal concentration in food, amount of food consumed, and other food factors. Based on the above method, the daily intake of cadmium was estimate to be 70.53 microgram/man/day in average which was as high as the Limit Value of ILO/WHO(up to 71.4 microgram/man/day). Also, 3.89mg of Zinc, 1.65mg of cuppor, 0.32mg of lead were given as the total daily intake per capita by this research. 3. Efficacy of washing or skinning to decrease the amount of metals in crops. After washing the crops sufficiently with commercial linear alkylate sulfonate, the concentration of heavy metals could bae reduced to 50-80% showing decreasement rate of 20-50%. Also, after skinning the fruits, decreasement rate of the heavy metal concentration showed 0-50%.