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Hae Won Moon 1 Article
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Falls in the Elderly Community.
Joon Pil Cho, Kyung Won Paek, Hyun Jong Song, Yoon Seok Jung, Hae Won Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 2001;34(1):47-54.
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To analyze factors associated with elderly falls in a community dwelling, a comparatively important, but somewhat neglected, health matter. METHODS: Data came from personal interview surveys using a questionnaire of 552 people aged 65 or older living in a community. Socioeconomic, and health related characteristics were investigated as independent variables and experiences of falling in the previous year as the dependent variable. RESULTS: 118(21.4%) of the elderly subjects experienced a fall in the previous year. 24 subjects experienced more than two falls, accounting for 20.3% of the elderly fall victims studied. Factors affecting the falls were families living together, level of daily activity, heart disease, and aconuresis;, therefore an elderly person who lives alone, lives independently, has heart disease, or suffers urinary incontinence had a demonstrated increased chance of falling. CONCLUSION: Groups at risk for falling included elderly persons living alone, living independently, suffering heart disease, or experiencing urinary incontinence. When an elderly fall prevention program is developed and implemented, these results should be considered.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health