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Hyeong Ryeol Yoon 3 Articles
Development of a device constantly stimulating tuning fork and variability of its vibration perception time.
Jong Young Lee, Dae Yong Hong, Hyeong Ryeol Yoon
Korean J Prev Med. 1991;24(1):93-97.
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Medical Technology of North Korea: with Special Reference to the Content Analysis of Medical Textbooks.
Seok Goo Lee, Hyeong Ryeol Yoon, Gi Hyo Lee, Ok Ryun Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(4):416-427.
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Unfortunately, we have poor knowledge of medical technology in North Korea. This study has thus attempted to identify the level and status of medical technology development through analyzing the contents of medical textbooks currently in use. This study has assumed that three factors are influencing the level and status of medical technology in a society ; the level of socio-economic development in general, the level of scientific technology revolution and health policy. Forty textbooks are collected for this purpose. The main findings are summarized as follows: 1) North Korea has strengths in that (1) its herb drugs, which are in a broad use, are cheaper, more safe and more attainable than bio-equivalent chemical ones, and (2) the development of its medical technology was carried out with emphasis on the practical and basic health needs. 2) North Korea has weaknesses in that (1) its medical diagnostic method largely depends on manual procedures, (2) the R & D investment in the development of chemical drugs, especially antibiotics, is very small, (3) the amount of medical equipments is in a absolute shortage, and (4) the medical technology is destitute of specialty, caused mainly by the overemphasis on Juche-Uihak or herb medicine. 3) Medical technology has two faces, positive and negative so that it cannot be successfully evaluated by one. It eventually acts a positive function for public health through developments of drug, equipment and new medical treatment method. But it is also true that it has negative effects such as the dehumanization of high cost medical technology, cost hike due to over-investments in expensive equipments, and the absence of wholistic care from overspecialization. 4) We have to consider economic status and the social needs of medical care in order to evaluate the medical technology of a society. It is also the ease with North Korea. A whole picture of the North Korean medical technology could be understood only if further comprehensive studies of medical technology are to be carried out for North Korea.
Clinical trial of leptospires vaccine on its immunogenicity and safety.
Hyeong Ryeol Yoon, Jeong Soon Kim, Yong Heo
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(1):57-64.
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Since the reservior of leptospires organism is consisted of a broad spectrum of animals, the best method of prevention is vaccination. The clinical trial of leptospires vaccine conducted on human volunteer for its immunogenicity and safety. Summarized results are as follows: 1. The Oral temperature among vaccinated group ranged from 36.7 +/- 0.34 degrees C, while in placebo injected group it ranged from 36.4 +/- 0.46 degrees C to 36.7 +/- 0.53 degrees C. There wan no association between vaccination and fever (p<0.05). 2. Mild local reactions revealed in vacciness were swelling (50-75%), Redness(75-90%), and induration(25-40%). Placebo injected group revealed only redness in 12.5% in the 1st injection and 37.5% in the second injection. The duration local reactions on injection site for both vaccinees and placebo groups disappeared within 48 hours. 3. Generalized Symptoms complained by the vaccinees were myalgia (25%), back pain(15%), headache(15%), pruritus(15%), and abdominal pain(10%), whereas placebo group complained of headache(25%), myalgia(12.5%), back pain(12.5%), pain in eyes(12.5%), abdominal pain(12.5%) prutitus(12.5%) and nausea(12.5%). 4. The serological test(MAT) of vaccinees showed geometric mean antibody titer as follows: a. L. icterohemorrhagiae lai, 1 week after 1st vaccination: 22.45, 1 week after 2nd vaccination: 111.23, 3 week after 2nd vaccination: 266.64, b. L. canicola canicola, 1 week after 1st vaccination: 24.62, 1 week after 2nd vaccination: 123.92, 3 week after 2nd vaccination: 276.55, c. L. icterohemorrhagiae copenhageni, 1 week after 1st vaccination: 28.28, 1 week after 2nd vaccination: 128.55, 3 week after 2nd vaccinaton: 247.88, Whereas all of the placebo injected group, showed below 1 : 20 titers. The sero-conversion rate of vaccinees were 100 percent.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health