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Jaehoon Roh 13 Articles
Effects of Ethanol and Phenobarbital on Hemoglobin Adducts Formation in Rats Exposed to Direct Black 38.
Chi Nyon Kim, Se Hoon Lee, Jaehoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 2002;35(3):229-235.
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To evaluate the effects on the formation of benzidine-hemoglobin, and benzidine metabolite-hemoglobin adducts, caused by pretreatment with the known xenobiotic metabolism effectors, ethanol and phenobarbital, in rats administered Direct Black 38 dye. METHODS: The experimental rats were divided into three groups: a control group, an ethanol group and a phenobarbital group. Rats were pretreated with ethanol (1g/kg) or phenobarbital (80mg/kg) 24 hours prior to the oral administration of Direct Black 38 (0.5mmol/kg), with the control group being administered the same amount of distilled water. Blood samples were obtained from the vena cava of 5 rats from each group prior to, and at 30 min, 3 h, 6 h, 9 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, and 144 h following the oral administration of Direct Black 38. Directly after sampling the blood was separated into hemoglobin and plasma, with the adducts being converted into aromatic amines by basic hydrolysis. Hydrolyzed benzidiene, monoacetylbenzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl were analyzed by reverse-phase liquid chromatography with an electrochemical detector. The quantitative amount of the metabolites was expressed by the hemoglobin binding index (HBI). RESULTS: In the ethanol group, benzidine-, monoacetylben-zidine-, and 4-aminobiphenyl-HBI were increased to a greater extent than those in the control group. These results were attributed to the ethanol inducing N-hydroxylation, which is related to the formation of the hemoglobin adduct. In the phenobarbital group, all the HBIs, with the exception of the benzidine-HBI, were increased to a greater extent than those of the control group. These results were attributed to the phenobarbital inducing N-hydroxylation related to the formation of the hemoglobin adduct. The N-acetylation ratio was only increased with the phenobarbital pretreatment due to the lower benzidine-HBI of the phenobarbital group compared to those of the control and ethanol groups. The N-acetylation ratios for all groups were higher than 1 for the duration of the experimental period. Although the azo reduction was unaffected by the ethanol, it was inhibited by the phenobarbital. The ratio of the benzidine-HBI in the phenobarbital group was lower than those of the ethanol the control groups for the entire experiment. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that both ethanol and phenobarbital increase the formation of adducts by the induction of N-hydroxylation, but also induced N-acetylation. Phenobarbital decreased the formation of benzidine-HBI due to the decrease of the azo reduction. These results suggest that the effects of ethanol and phenobarbital need to be considered in the biochemical monitoring of Direct Black 38.
Transient Effects on the Risk of Occupational Injuries as an Acute Events: a Case-crossover Study.
Seon A Jeong, Jong Tae Lee, Jong Uk Won, Jaehoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 2001;34(1):35-40.
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To elucidate the transient effects on the risk of occupational injuries as acute events and establish an alternative proposal. METHODS: The study population comprised a total of 302 workers randomly selected from applications for occupational injury compensation reported to the Inchon local labor office from January 1, 1999 to December 31. A case-crossover design, where each case serves its own control, was applied to this study. Through a telephone interview, workers provided useful data concerning five job related stressful events such as company transfer, work load change, overtime work, exchange duty, and work-part transfer. They were asked whether there were stressful events within a week of the occurrence of injury and the degree of stress. Exposure status from one year prior was used as control information. In the end, the data provided by 158 of selected persons was used for the analysis based on the quality of the data provided by the participants. A conditional logistic regression was used to discover the transient effects on the risk of occupational injuries as acute events. RESULTS: The effect of a company transfer and work load change on occupational injury was statistically significant on the risk of occupational injuries as an acute event(RR=5.5, 95% CI=2.501-12.428; RR=3.1, 95% CI=1.963-5.017, respectively). Other stressful events were found to elevate the risk factor for the occurrence of occupational injury, but were not significant. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggested that transient stressful events elevated the risk factor for the occurrence of occupational injury.
Health Care Utilization of Workers with Skin Disease in Inchon.
Yeon Soon Ahn, Jae Seok Song, Jong Uk Won, Jaehoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1999;32(2):206-214.
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This study was carried out to identify relation of health care utilization due to skin disease(ICD-10, L00-L99) and characteristics(sex, age, exposure status, type of industry, size of enterprise) of workers. METHODS: We made new database composed of 30,536 workers' health examination results in one specific health examination institute in Inchon and data of medical insurance utilization due to skin disease in 4 medical insurance associations for enterprise from January, 1995 to December, 1997. And we analyzed determinants of health care utilization due to skin disease of workers. RESULTS: Among 30,536 study subjects, 8,837(28.9%) workers and 4,181(13.7%) workers utilized medical insurance due to total skin disease(ICD-10, L00-L99) and contact dermatitis(ICD-10, L23-L25), respectively. Female workers(p<.001), workers exposed to organic solvents(p<.05), workers in manufacturing industries(p<.05, p<.01, respectively) and in large scale enterprises(p<.001) utilized more medical insurance due to total skin disease and contact dermatitis than male workers, workers not exposed to organic solvents, workers in non-manufacturing industries and small scale enterprises. With multiple logistic regression analysis, significant explanatory variables affecting workers' medical utilization due to total skin disease and dermatitis and eczema(ICD-10, L20-L30) in total workers were sex, age, specific chemicals and size of enterprises. And age, type of industries, organic solvents, specific chemicals and size of enterprises were significant explanatory variables related to medical insurance utilization due to dermatitis and eczema and contact dermatitis in male workers. CONCLUSION: From the above results, we found that workers exposed to organic solvents utilized more medical insurance due to skin disease than workers not exposed to. And, comparing to workers in large scale enterprises, workers in small scale enterprises may have unmet medical care utilization due to skin disease. Therefore we have to establish counterplan to manage occupational skin disease of high risk group(organic solvent exposure group) and to satisfy unmet medical care utilization of workers in small scale enterprises.
Comparisons on the worker's health status and working environment between small and large industries in Kyeungin industrial complex.
Jonguk Won, Jaesuk Song, Jaehoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(2):392-401.
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Generally working environment and worker's health status of small scale industries(SSI) which employ less than 50 workers are known to be poorer than those of large scale industries(LSI) which employ more than 500 workers. However, according to the analysis of occupational injuries in Korea, prevalence rate of occupational injuries of SSI was 3.1 times as high as LSI. But there was no difference in prevalence rate of occupational disease and workers with suspected occupational disease(D1) between SSI and LSI. To confirm these two different facts, we surveyed working environment and worker's health status of SSI and LSI in Kyeungin industrial complex. Workers in SSI were 10,878 and workers in LSI were 8,291 and number of hazardous agents in SSI were 3,554 and those of LSI were 1,916. We found following results. First, proportion of male workers and workers who were less than 30 years old and more than 50 years old was higher in SSI compared to LSI. Second, worker in SSI had more liver disease, viral hepatitis, and pneumoconiosis than in LSI, and there were more worker with suspected occupational disease, general disease, and worker needed close observation in SSI. But these effects had not statistical significance under the condition controlled by age and sex with logistic regression. Third, the numbers measured for specific chemicals, organic solvents, and heavy metals in SSI was more than in LSI. However there was on difference in the excess rate of each hazardous agent between SSI and LSI. As the above results workers' health status in SSI was poorer than in LSI, but these results were mainly due to the population structure difference. Although there were some limitation of this study and problems of sensitivity and validity for periodic health examination and working environment evaluation method, the concept that working environment and worker's health status in SSI should be reviewed. In future the study that will reveal the real weak point of SSI should be performed.
Factors Relating to Quitting in the Small Industries in Incheon.
Yeon Soon Ahn, Jaehoon Roh, Kyoo Sang Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(4):795-807.
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This study was carried out from 1993 to 1994 in the small industries in Incheon. The objectives of this study was in order to estimate the quitting rate, to identify its relating factors and to propose effective quitting management policy in the small industries. The results were as follows; 1. The quitting rate of 266 study workers was 42.1%(l12 workers). 2. Age, working duration, position, marital status were significant difference between the quitting group and the non-quitting group. 10 the quitting group, mean age was young, working duration was short, general employees and unmarried workers were many compared with the non-quitting group. 3. In the industry characteristics, total assets, total sales, sales per person, establishment duration and occupational health and safety status were significant difference between the quitting group and the non-quitting group. In the quitting group, total assets, total sales and sales per person were little, establishment duration of company was short and occupational health and safety status were poor compared with the non-quitting group. 4. In the quitting group, worker's response to employer's disposal about health and safety was more passive and the relation to employer with employee was significantly poor compared with the non-quitting group. 5. Multiple logistic regression analysis of quitting against family income per person, working duration, relation to employer with employee, occupational health and safety status in industry, worker`s response to employer's disposal about health and safety and sales per person was done. Working duration, occupational health and safety status, worker`s response to empolyer's disposal about health and safety were significant eiplainatory variables for quitting. Above results showed that the quitting rate was high and it was significant difference between the quitting group and non -quitting group according to characteristics of workers and of industries. Especially, it suggested that working duration, occupational health and safety status and worker's response to employers disposal about health and safety were significant quitting factor. Therefore, it should be reflected in the quitting management and the policy of steady employment.
A study of the response of teachers and students on the traffic noise.
Ceung Ho Kim, Kyung Jong Lee, Young Hahn Moon, Jaehoon Roh, Myung Cho Yoon
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(4):773-782.
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The purpose of this study is to reveal how the road traffic noise influences on the response of teachers and students, which composed of conversation, studying, relation, and physical disturbances. The research method used in this study was self- administrated questionnaire. Samples of the survey were composed of 420 persons(l14 teachers and 306 students) who are exposed to traffic noise less than 65 dB(A) from two junior high schools and 410 persons(140 teachers and 270 students) from two noisy junior high schools which the road traffic noise above 65 dB(A). In the response of both of the teachers and students in noisy(above 65 dB) schools complaints of disturbances of conversation, studying, relaxation, and physical disturbances are much higher than that of less noisy schools' teachers and students(p<0.01 ). On the occasion of time and season, the subjects answered the traffic noise cause high troublesome and stresses in the afternoon(12:00-17:00) and summer respectively. It is necessary to provide governmental comprehensive and fundamental measures to improve the noisy school environments.
Job Analyses of Health Care Managers in Group Health Care System.
Kyoo Sang Kim, Chong Yon Park, Jaehoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(4):777-792.
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For developing the Group Health care system, health managers' job structure were analysed in the aspects of content, amount, and process. As a trial research, data were collected by a standardized job analysis table to 6 doctors, 40 nurses, and 11 industrial hygienists of Group Health Care System. Health care managers were performing complex and intellectual jobs such as health education for workers, managing health care, conference as well as more simple jobs like as filling diary. Especially, job was consisted of general job and health care management job in the proportion of 1:2.18. The major general job were data management related with the health statistics, and major health care management jobs were managing health care, health counselling, environmental management of working sites. Each specific jobs were required differentiated intellectual capacity, creativity, autonomy, psychic stress, and physical work; most respondents perceived that health care management jobs should require more inputs than general jobs Additionally job satisfaction and perceived need on specific job items were analysed. Results of this research, suggested through the field experiences in working sites, should be considered for improving the Group Health Care System.
Health characteristics and symptom of workers in reactive dye industries.
Kyung Jong Lee, Young Hahn Moon, Jaehoon Roh, Hae Sim Park, Chein Soo Hong
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(3):338-344.
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This study investigated the symptoms, medical and occupational history of 424 workers of 5 reactive dye Industries in the Inchon area in Korea. The study was performed on March 6 and July 19, 1989. The tests applied to the subjects were: serum total IgE, skin prick test with 7 inhalatory antigens, pulmonary function test, chest X-ray, methacholine test, and bronchoprovocation test. The workers were classified according to these tests into 4 groups (healthy, realitively healthy, need careful medical observation, and occupational asthma), and were compared in terms of the group characteristics and the symptom prevalence. The prevalence of occupational asthma of workers in reactive dye was 5.9%. Significant differences were observed among the 4 groups. The groups were significantly different in the variables of sex and duration of smoking among their general characteristics ; asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases with respect to their past medical history. This study suggests that we should pay special attention to the workers exposed to the risk of occupational asthma.
A Study on the Physical and Mental Health Factors affecting Industrial Accidents.
Myung Sun Lee, Jaehoon Roh, Young Hahn Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(3):355-367.
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This study examined the physical and mental health factors affecting the industrial accidents of 142 injured and 1,212 uninjured workers in the shipbuilding industry from 1986 to 1988. The results acquired from the Todai Health Index (THI) and from analysis of the health examination were as follows: 1. Among the personal characteristics of the workers, the educational level of injured workers was significantly lower than that of the uninjured workers. 2. Among the physical characteristics, vision and R hrer Index of the injured workers were lower than those of the uninjured workers, and the difference was statistically significant. On the other hand, the differences in height, weight, hearing function, hematocrit, blood pressure, urine test, and X-ray findings were not statistically significant between the injured and uninjured workers. 3. The score of the THI questionnaire on the physical and mental health of the injured workers was higher than that of the uninjured workers, and the difference was statistically significant. 4. Form the THI score, the industrial workers had complained more about mental health than physical health and there was a statistically significant relation with the industrial accidents. 5. The relative risk expressed in terms of the odds ratio was 2.9 for poorer vision, 2.7 for a lower educational level, 2.2 for a higher THI score and 1.6 for overdrinking. 6. Educational level, vision, and the THI score were selected as significant factors influencing industrial accidents based on a log-linear model. According to the results of this model by logistic analysis, the odds ratio of industrial accidents was 1.8 for a lower educational level, 1.7 for poorer vision, and 1.6 for a higher THI score. 7. By event history analysis with the dependent variable as the duration of work at the time of the industrial accident, educational level, age, R hrer Index and THI score were the statistically significant variables selected, and the hazard rate of industrial accident occurrence was 0.24 for a lower educational level, 0.92 for age, 0.99 for a lower R hrer Index and 2.72 for a higher THI score. As we have seen, educational level and THI score were the most significant factors affecting the hazard rate of industrial accidents. Vision, R hrer Index, age, and drinking behavior were also statistically significant variables influencing industrial accidents. Therefore, in order to prevent industrial accidents, it is necessary to establish a health management plan for industry which can objectively evaluate not only the physical but also the mental health of the workers. If we use this type of study as a prospective study design, we can determine the relative risk of physical and mental health factors on industrial accidents. Furthermore, it is expected that this type of study will provide workers at high risk with more precise basic data for a health management plan for industrial accident prevention.
Human Health Factors and Traffic Accidents among Taxi Drivers in the Seoul Area.
Ihm Soon Kim, Kyung Jong Lee, Jaehoon Roh, Young Hahn Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(3):313-322.
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The present status of the traffic accident rate in Korea shows that it is the highest in the world with a continuously increasing trend. Human factors account for 90% of the causes of traffic accidents. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine some human factors related to traffic accidents by studying the relationship between health status and traffic accidents. To accomplish this purpose, all taxi companies located in the Seoul area were divided in three groups according to the number of taxi possessed, then some companies in each group were randomly selected for study, and a total of 222 drivers in those selected companies were questioned and examined from April 15 to April 22, 1989. Seventy drivers among 222 had experienced a traffic accident. A chi-square test was performed on the data, then, factor analysis and discriminant analysis were executed with the following results: 1. The drivers complaining of gastroenteric symptoms numbered 110(49.5%), which was the major symptom among all drivers complaining of poor health. 2. In the primary analysis, variables related to traffic accidents were divided into general, occupational, and health characteristics. Drivers having no traffic accident experience and drivers having that experience were subjected to question about age, educational level, residential status, monthly average income, working hours and days, degree of satisfaction with their profession and homelife, degree of worry about health. degree of fatigue, medication, drunken driving, and illness, but there were no statistical significances. 3. In the factor analysis, the 8 health variables which causes traffic accidents were classified into 3 common factors which were perceived health factor, sleeping and drunken driving, and visual acuity and smoking factor. Perceived health was the factor which contributed most to explaining accidents. 4. In the discriminant analysis, a correct prediction rate of 68.0% was obtained in the factors of all the characteristics. 5. Degree of satisfaction with their homelife and educational and economic factor in the general characteristics, degree of satisfaction with their profession in the occupational characteristics, and sleeping and drunken driving in the health characteristics were selected as statistically significant factors to discriminant the traffic accident. 6. Among the factors of the general, occupational, and health characteristics, degree of satisfaction with their homelife, driving experience, family factor, perceived factor were selected as the statistically significant factors.
Comparison and Analysis of the Results of Preventive Medicine Sutdy in a Medical College.
Seung Hum Yu, Jaehoon Roh, Sang Hyuk Jung, Chung Mo Nam
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(2):242-247.
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The purpose of this study was to find a better evaluation method by comparison and analysis of the subdivision-score for preventive medicine with other subjects and total score. Among the 475 students who were second grade in 1983, 1984 and 1985, we analyzed the scores for all subjects at Yonsei University College of Medicine obtained by 443 students, with the exception of 32 students who had a temporary absence from school, failed or had been expelled. And we analyzed the score for preventive medicine of 162 students who were second grade in 1987 and 179 students who were second grade in 1988. Statistical analysis of the above was done using the correlation analysis, chi-square test and discriminating index. The results were as follows: 1. The correlations of the subdivision of preventive medicine in 1984, 1987 and 1988 were statistical significantly high(r=0.36-0.56). 2. The grades obtained for preventive medicine and for other subjects except pediatrics (clerkship) were not independent. 3. The discriminating indices that determined whether or not a pertinent evaluation was made were 0.42 in 1983, 0.52 in 1984 and 0.54 n 1985. These results were classified as excellent. These results suggest that the score of a subject is determined not by the characteristics of the subject, but by the amount of personal study.
Change of Skin Temperature of Workers Using Vibrating Tools in Anthracite Mines.
Jaehoon Roh, Young Hahn Moon, Dongchun Shin, Bong Suk Cha, Soo Nam Cho
Korean J Prev Med. 1988;21(2):357-364.
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By implementing epoch-making policies for industrial promotion, the national economy has made a remarkable development. As a result of such economic growth, industrial accidents and occupational diseases have become a serious problem in Korean society. In the presidential order for the execution of the Korean Labor Standard Law, neuritis and other diseases stemming from health impairments due to vibrations in industrial processes are designated to be dealt with as vibration diseases. In the case of vibration disease, industrial accident compensation is not effectively paid. In order to investigate the vibration hazards of rock-drill operation, the authors studied the subjective symptoms and performed physical function tests on a total of 79 persons (vibration exposed group) who used rock-drills, and 39 persons (control group) who did not use rock-drills at anthracite mines. The results of the physical function test were as follows : 1. The right hand was more affected by white finger than the left hand. 2. Independent variables such as duration of rock-drill operation, age, drinking and smoking were identified as statistically significant factors for the occurrence of white finger. 3. In the pain sense threshold, the group with Raynaud's phenomenon showed a statistically higher level than that of the control group. 4. The skin temperature of the group with Raynaud's phenomenon was lower than that of the control group. The recovery time of skin temperature after cooling was delayed compared with the value of the control group.
Effect of STEL-toluene on Metabolism of Benzene in Rats.
Jaehoon Roh, Dong Chun Shin, Jung Gyun Park, Young Hahn Moon, Ho Keun Chung
Korean J Prev Med. 1988;21(1):152-162.
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Benzene and toluene, which are widely used aromatic hydrocarbons in workplace, are recently proved to cause health hazards due to their toxic effects. This study investigated the influence of toluene on the urinary excretion of benzene metabolite by administering short term exposure limit(STEL) of these compounds(i.e., 13.8mg/kg of benzene and 108.8mg/kg of toluene) intraperitoneally into Sprague-Dawley rats. After administration, urinary phenol concentration of rat was measured by gas chromatography for every three hours. Data were analyzed by non-parametric statistical methods using Kruskal-Wallis multi-sample test and Mann-Whitney U test. The following results were obtained: 1. Administration of STFL-benzene increased urinary phenol concentration in rats. 2. Urinary phenol concentration was increased logarithmically according to the dosage of benzene. 3. Excretion of phenol in urine was decreased when benzene and toluene were administered simultaneously compared with administering benzene alone. In Summary, these results reveal that administration of STEL of toluene has antagonistic effect of urinary excretion of benzene metabolite in rats.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health