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Je Young Cho 1 Article
Survey on Ideal Number of Children and Characteristics on Eligible Women in Rural Korea.
Je Young Cho
Korean J Prev Med. 1974;7(1):191-197.
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Recently, during several years the number of ideal children have not changed at all. Because the most of Korean people considered that son is necessary absolutely for dependence in old age inheritance of family line and holding ritual and so on. Therefore, without revolution of value system for children we could no more except to reduce fertility rate. The survey is intended to compare the characteristics between those women who want two or less number of ideal children and all married women(regardless the number of ideal children). The results showed as follows: The women who want small size of family were younger and little better educated than those of all married women. The age at marriage of women who want small size of family was older than that of all married women. The conducted rate of induced abortion and acceptance rate of contraception among those women who want small size of family were higher than those of all married women. the rate of those who want less than 2 children so-called ideal No. among all married women was 3.9 percent.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health