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Jin Hae Choi 1 Article
A Study on the Sociomedical Status of Prostitutes in Busan Area.
Jin Hae Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1977;10(1):125-133.
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The author have performed, from June to July 1976, a Sociomedical study on the 314 prostitutes which was engaged in tourism in Dongrae, Busan. The obtained results were as follows ; 1. Age distribution was from 20 years old to 34 years old and the highest as 36.6% was 23-25 years old group. Most of the respondents as 95.2% were under 31 years old group. 2. distribution of respondents by educational level showed that the group below the graduated primary school was 47.2%, middle school 29.3%, and high school 57.0% in that order. 3. By the occupation before be ruined, none was 34.5%, waitress at saloon 24.2%, hostess 14.3%. 4. By distribution of birth place, most of the respondents as 64.0% were Gyeongsang Do(37.9%) and Busan City (26.1%). 5. Distribution of respondents by family status showed that only mother was highest as 43.9% and 82.2% of respondents have been supported their family. 6. Monthly incomes of respondents were distributed from 50,000won to 250,000won,, and 50,000-100,000won group was the highest as 46.2%. In monthly sundry expenses, 20,000-30,000won group was the highest as 27.1%. 7. Monthly supporting expenses to their family were distributed from 10,000won to 50,000won and the highest as 26.7% was 10,000-20,000won group. Savings per month were distributed from 10,000won to 60,000won and 50,000-60,000won group was the highest as 22.3%. 8. Distribution of respondents by status of luxury showed that experiences of drinking was 20.4% and smoking was 55.7%. 9. By motive of falling into the ruin, economical causes was 41.7%. Most of the respondents as 95.0% expected under 3 years in prearranged period of their occupation. 10. By number of monthly entertainment, 5-10 persons as 58.0% was the highest. 11. Distribution of respondents by status of venereal disease and pulmonary tuberculosis showed that positive of gonorrhea was 8.0%, syphilis 1.6%, and pulmonary tuberculosis was 1.6%.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health