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Jin Ho Jun 3 Articles
A Study of Working Environments and Workers Exposed to Chromium.
Byung Chul Yu, Byung Chul Son, Jin Ho Jun, Yong Soo Han, Hye Sook Son, Chae Eun Lee, Woon Jeong
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):517-530.
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For the purpose of providing the basic data for health management of workers who are exposed to chromium and for improving the quality of working environment, the authors evaluated blood and urinary level of chromium, the occupational history, AST, ALT, Hb, Hct, nasal specular examination on 287 workers who have been dealed chromium compounds in 56 manufacturing industries of five types, that is, 38 metal plating services(plating), 4 manufacture of other fabricated metal products (fabricated metal product), 5 manufacturing of dyestuff(dyestuff), 6 dressing and dyeing of leather (leather), 3 others (manufacture of pottery and ceramic household wares, motor vehicles, electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components) and also measured the level of chromium in air from February to october 1993. The results were as follows; 1. The utilized type of chromium compounds was the hexavalent state in plating, fabricated metal product, dyestuff leather and the trivalent state in other, and atmospheric chromium concentration as geometric mean was 0.0138m3(0.001~0.068 mg/m3) in plating, 0.0115 mg/m3(0.006~0.015 mg/m3) in fabricated metal product, 0.068 mg/m3 (0.002~0.019 mg/m3)in dyestuff, 0.0083 mg/m3(0.002~0.028 mg/m3) in leather, 0.0039 mg/m3(0.003~0.005 mg/m3) in other by the type of industry and it exceeded TLV-TWA (0.05 mg/m3) in five(13.6%) of plating services. 2. The geometric mean of chromium in blood was 1.54 microgram/dl(0.10~3.62 microgram/dl) in planting, 0.94 microgram/dl(0.27~2.82 microgram/dl) in fabricated metal product, 0.51 microgram/dl(0.10~3.25 microgram/dl) in dyestuff, 0.87 microgram/dl(0.15~8.00 microgram/dl) in leather 0.55 microgram/dl(0.20~2.28 microgram/dl) in other by the type of industry(P<0.001). 3. The geometric mean of chromiurn in urine was 14.47 microgram/l(6.90~28.00 microgram/l) in planting, 4.63 microgram/l(0.24~43.00 microgram/l) in fabricated metal product, 5.93 microgram/l(1.00~33.00 microgram/l) in dyestuff. 11.09 microgram/l(0.80~48.00 microgram/l) in leather, 12.41 microgram/l(10.10~41.00 microgram/l) in other by the type of industry(P<0.001). 4 As the result of nasal specular examination, twenty four cases(8.4%) of nasal septal perforation among 287 total subjects was observed, and there were 17(9.7%) cases in plating, 4 cases(14.3%) in dressing and dyeing of leather. In the comparison of chromium concentration in blood and urine between the perforated group and nonperforated group the perforated group showed a significantly higher value as 1.883+/-3.055 microgram/dl and 0.793+/-0.815 microgram/dl(P<0.001). 21.31+/-34.610 microgram/L and 9.304+/-11.079 microgram/L(P<0.001). 5. The mean concentration of chromium in blood, urine and the mean level of AST, ALT, Hb and Hct in exposure group were higher than those of control group(P<0.001).
A Survey on the Status of Noisy Working Environment in Manufacturing Industries.
Joon Youn Kim, Byung Soo Kim, Chae Un Lee, Jin Ho Jun, Jong Tae Lee, Jin Ok Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1986;19(1):16-30.
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In order to prepare the fundamental data for the improvement of noisy working environments and the effective hearing conservation program on workers exposed to industrial noise, the authors surveyed the working processes and evaluated the noise levels on 56 manufacturing industries in Pusan area from April to July in 1985. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The noise level was the highest in shipbuilding and repairing(95.6 dBA), and followed by steel rolling(92.9 dBA), manufacture of motor vehicles(93.1 dBA), manufacure of fishing nets(92.9 dBA), manufacture of testiles(92.5 dBA), iron and steel foundries(89.3 dBA), manufacture of metal products(89.1 dBA), preserving and processing of marine foods(87.0 dBA), manufacture of rubber products(85.3 dBA), manufacture of plywood(84.9 dBA) and manufacture of paints(84.5 dBA). 2. Among fifty surveyed working processes, the noise level of twenty-one processes(42%) exceeded the threshold limit value for 8 hours per day. 3. As the allowable exposure times by governmental threshold limit values to industrial noise level(dBA), cocking of shipbuilding and repairing and plating(CGL) of steel rolling were the shortest(30 minutes), and followed by assembling(rivet) of manufacture of motor vehicles(1 hour) weaving of manufacture of textiles and shot, machine, pipe laying of shipbuilding and repairing(2 hours). 4. By the result of octave band analysis on noisy working processes in excess of 90 dBA, the sound level was the highest at 2,000 Hz or 4,000 Hz. 5. It was recognized that the measurement of overall sound pressure level was also effective as octave band analysis in evaluating the industrial noise.
A Study on the concentration of trace metal elements in whole blood of the women in reproductive ages in urban and rural area.
Jin Ho Jun
Korean J Prev Med. 1984;17(1):95-106.
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To acquire the essential basic data to the establishment of control measure for the hazardous health effect that could be caused by harmful metals, the author measured the concentrations of trace metals in whole blood of women of 20-39 years old living in urban and rural area using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The summarized results were as follows; 1. The mean concentration of zinc in whole blood was 10.69+/-8.07 microgram/ml in rural area. The frequency distribution by zinc concentration level was nearly L-type and the cumulative frequency distribution was showed bimodal type in both area. 2. The mean iron concentration in whole blood was 323.09+/-87.15 microgram/ml and 322.07+/-104.74 microgram/ml in urban and rural area, respectively. The frequency distribution was similar to normal distribution type in both area, but the cumulative distribution was unimodal type in urban area and bimodal type in rural area. 3. The mean magnesium concentration was 41.08+/-19.58 microgram/ml and 40.28+/-16.82 microgram/ml in the area, respectively. The frequency distribution type had skewness to the right and the cumulative frequency distribution was unimodal type in both area. 4. The mean copper concentration was 1.417+/-0.761 microgram/ml and 1.375+/-0.743 microgram/ml in the area, respectively. The frequency distribution type had skewness to the right and the cumulative frequency distribution was bimodal type in both area. 5. The mean manganese concentration was 0.079+/-0.039 microgram/ml and 0.07+/-0.058 microgram/ml in the area, respectively. The frequency distribution type had skewness to the right in both area but slight irregular in rural area and the cumulative distribution was unimodal and bimodal type in urban and rural area, respectively. 6. The mean cadmium concentration in whole blood was 0.031+/-0.026 microgram/ml in urban and 0.028+/-0.023 microgram/ml in rural area. The frequency distribution type had skewness to the right and cumulative frequency distribution was bimodal type in both area.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health