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Jin-Wu Nam 1 Article
Cohort Study Protocol: A Cohort of Korean Atomic Bomb Survivors and Their Offspring
Seong-geun Moon, Ansun Jeong, Yunji Han, Jin-Wu Nam, Mi Kyung Kim, Inah Kim, Yu-Mi Kim, Boyoung Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2023;56(1):1-11.   Published online January 31, 2023
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
In 1945, atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Approximately 70 000 Koreans are estimated to have been exposed to radiation from atomic bombs at that time. After Korea’s Liberation Day, approximately 23 000 of these people returned to Korea. To investigate the long-term health and hereditary effects of atomic bomb exposure on the offspring, cohort studies have been conducted on atomic bomb survivors in Japan. This study is an ongoing cohort study to determine the health status of Korean atomic bomb survivors and investigate whether any health effects were inherited by their offspring. Atomic bomb survivors are defined by the Special Act On the Support for Korean Atomic Bomb Victims, and their offspring are identified by participating atomic bomb survivors. As of 2024, we plan to recruit 1500 atomic bomb survivors and their offspring, including 200 trios with more than 300 people. Questionnaires regarding socio-demographic factors, health behaviors, past medical history, laboratory tests, and pedigree information comprise the data collected to minimize survival bias. For the 200 trios, whole-genome analysis is planned to identify de novo mutations in atomic bomb survivors and to compare the prevalence of de novo mutations with trios in the general population. Active follow-up based on telephone surveys and passive follow-up with linkage to the Korean Red Cross, National Health Insurance Service, death registry, and Korea Central Cancer Registry data are ongoing. By combining pedigree information with the findings of trio-based whole-genome analysis, the results will elucidate the hereditary health effects of atomic bomb exposure.
Korean summary
해당 연구는 한국인 원폭피해 생존자 및 그 후손에서 피폭이 건강에 미치는 영향과 그것의 유전적 영향 유무를 밝히고자 계획된 연구이다. 이 연구는 연구대상자들에 대한 건강 설문 조사, 신체계측, 가계도 조사, 유전체 조사 뿐 아니라 2차 자료 연계를 통해 폭넓고 정확한 건강 정보를 수집하고 있다. 이 연구를 통해 연구대상자들의 건강 상태 파악 및 개선에 도움이 되고자 한다.


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