- The Comparison of Health Behaviors Between Widowed Women and Married Women in Jeollanamdo Province, Korea.
Seong Woo Choi, Jung Ae Rhee, Jun Ho Shin, Min Ho Shin
J Prev Med Public Health. 2008;41(4):272-278.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3961/jpmph.2008.41.4.272
To compare the health behaviors of widowed women with those of currently married women. METHODS: We randomly sampled the subjects from the Jeollanamdo Resident Registration Data and we then selected 2,331 widowed women and 4,775 married women. Well-trained examiners measured the height, weight, blood pressure and abdomen circumference, and the women were interviewed with using a questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the odds ratios(OR) of the two groups. RESULTS: The smoking rate (OR=2.46; 95% confidence interval [CI]1.65, 3.66) was significantly higher for the widowed women. On the contrary, the awareness rate of a smoking cessation campaign (OR=0.80; 95% CI=0.70, 0.92), a quit tobacco telephone line (OR=0.73; 95% CI=0.61, 0.88) and a quit smoking clinic (OR=0.74; 95% CI=0.62, 0.89) were lower for the widowed women. The rate of receiving a health exam (OR=0.80; 95% CI=0.70, 0.91), the rate of undergoing gastric cancer screening (OR=0.77; 95% CI=0.68, 0.88), breast cancer screening (OR=0.79; 95% CI=0.69, 0.89), cervix cancer screening in the last 2 years (OR=0.81; 95% CI=0.71, 0.92), colon cancer screening in the last 5 years (OR=0.74; 95% CI=0.63, 0.87) were significantly lower for the widowed women. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that the health behaviors are significantly different between the widowed women and the married women. To improve the health behaviors of the widowed women, further study and research that will investigate the socioeconomic and environmental factors that affect the health behaviors of widowed women will be needed.
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- Accuracy of the Registered Cause of Death in a County and its Related Factors.
Eun Kyung Chung, Hee Young Shin, Jun Ho Shin, Hae Sung Nam, So Yeon Ryu, Jeong Soo Im, Jung Ae Rhee
Korean J Prev Med. 2002;35(2):153-159.
To evaluate the accuracy of the registered cause of death in a county and its related factors. METHODS: The data used in this study was based on 504 cases, in a county of Chonnam province, registered between January and December 1998. Study subjects consisted of 388 of the 504 cases, and their causes of death were established by an interview survey of the next of kin or neighbor and medical record surveys. We compared the registered cause of death with the confirmed cause of death, determined by surveys and medical records, and evaluated the factors associated with the accuracy of the registered cause of death. RESULTS: 62.6% of the deaths were concordant with 19 Chapters classification of cause of death. external causes of mortality, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, neoplasms and diseases of the circulatory system showed the good agreement between the registered cause of death and the confirmed cause of death. The factors relating to the accuracy of the registered cause of death were the doctors' diagnosis for the cause of death (adjusted Odds Ratio: 2.67, 95% Confidence Interval: 1.21-5.89) and the grade of the public officials in charge of the death registry (adjusted Odds Ratio: 0.30, 95% CI= 0.12-0.78). CONCLUSIONS: The accuracy of the registered cause of death was not high. It could be improved by using the doctors' diagnosis for death and improving the job specification for public officials who deal with death registration.
- The Relationship between the Cognitive Impairment and Mortality in the Rural Elderly.
Byung Hwan Sun, Kyeong Soo Park, Baeg Ju Na, Yo Seop Park, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jung Ae Rhee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):630-642.
- The purpose of this study was to examine the mortality risk associated with cognitive impairment among the rural elderly. The subjective of study was 558 of 'A Study on the Depression and Cognitive Impairment in the Rural Elderly' of Jung Ae Rhee and Hyang Gyun Jung's study(1993). Cognitive impairment and other social and health factors were assessed in 558 elderly rural community residents. For this study, a Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSEK) was used as a global indicator of cognitive functioning. And mortality risk factors for each cognitive impairment subgroup were identified by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. At baseline 22.6% of the sample were mildly impaired and 14.2% were severely impaired. As the age increased, the cognitive function was more impaired. Sexual difference was existed in the cognitive function level. Also the variables such as smoking habits, physical disorders had the significant relationship with cognitive function impairment. Across a 3-year observation period the mortality rate was 8.5% for the cognitively unimpaired, 11.1% for the mildly impaired, and 16.5% for the severly impaired respondents. And the survival probability was .92 for the cognitively unimpaired, .90 for the mildly impaired, and .86 for the severly impaired respondents. Compared to survival curve for the cognitively unimpaired group, each survival curve for the mildly and the severely impaired group was not significantly different. When adjustments models were not made for the effects of other health and social covariates, each hazard ratio of death of mildly and severely impaired persons was not significantly different as compared with the cognitively unimpaired. But, as MMSEK score increased, significantly hazard ratio of death decreased. Employing Cox univariate proportional hazards model, statistically other significant variables were age, monthly income, smoking habits, physical disorders. Also when adjustments were made for the effects of other health and social covariates, there was no difference in hazard ratio of death between those with severe or mild impairment and unimpaired persons. And as MMSEK score increased, significantly hazard ratio of death did not decrease. Employing Cox multivariate proportional hazards model, statistically other significant variables were age, monthly income, physical disorders. Employing Cox multivariate proportional hazards model by sex, at men and women statistically significant variable was only age. For both men and women, also cognitive impairment was not a significant risk factor. Other investigators have found that cognitive impairment is a significant predictor of mortality. But we didn't find that it is a significant predictor of mortality. Even though the conclusions of our study were not related to cognitive impairment and mortality, early detection of impaired cognition and attention to associated health problems could improve the quality of life of these older adults and perhaps extend their survival.
- Relationship of Serum Cholesterol and Anxiety in Rural Residents.
Yp Seop Park, Kyeong Soo Park, Baeg Ju Na, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):489-496.
- In other to study relationship of anxiety and serum cholesterol in general population, we performed the interview survey and screening test for the Ju-am cohort and residents in controlling area at 1995. Among them, 622 people are selected for this analysis. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Anxiety and total serum cholesterol related each other in the group of anxiety. Correlation coefficient was 0.39(p<0.01). 2. According to the result of multiple regression that the total serum cholesterol regarded as the dependent variable, anxiety and total serum cholesterol were related each other positively in the group of anxiety(p<0.05). 3. As the symptoms of anxiety was dichotomized affective and somatic symptom. There was no relationship of 2 symptoms and total serum cholesterol in all subjects, but there was more relationship on the affective symptom than on the somatic symptom in the group of anxiety(p<0.05). The above results show that anxiety and total serum cholesterol related each other significantly in the anxiety group. And the relationship of psychological factors and serum cholesterol could be applied significantly in general population as well as in the special group.
- The Study of Body Fat Percent Measured by Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer in a Rural Adult Population.
Baeg Ju Na, Yo Sub Park, Byung Hwan Sun, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(1):31-44.
- Obesity usually is defined as the presence of and abnormally amount of adipose tissue. In many epidemiologic study, obesity as a health risk factor has been estimated by Body Mass Index(BMI) in general. This study was conducted to review of body fat percent measured by Bioelectric impedance analyzer as a estimator of obesity in a rural adult population. The study subjects were 421 men and 664 women who reside in the area on the Juam lake. They were sampled by multistage cluster sampling. Their mean age was 59 years old. Body fat percent increased with age, but BMI decreased with age in this study. Body fat percent was more larger at female and elder on the same BMI. The correlation coefficient between with body fat percent and body mass index was low (r=0.4737). Body fat percent was explained by not only BMI but also sex and age (r(2)=0.63). The result suggested that it is inadequate for BMI only to estimate obesity about elderly person who reside in the rural community. The relation of body fat percent and body mass index of this study agreed with the preceding knowledges and studies in general.
- A Study of the Cause-of-Death reported on Official Death Registry in a Rural Area.
Hae Sung Nam, Kyeong Soo Park, Byeong Hwan Sun, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):227-238.
- This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the official death registry in rural area. The base data used for the study was 379 deaths registered during the period of 1993 and 1994 in 4 rural townships of Chonnam Province. The interview survey for cause-of-death was performed on the next of kin and/or neighbor. Additional medical informations were collected from hospitals and medical insurance associations for the purpose of verification. The underlying cause-of-death of 278 cases presumed by the survey was compared to the cause on official death registry. There was a prominent disagreement of cause-of-death between the survey data and the registry data(agreement rate: 38.9~44.6%%, according to disease classification method). These results may be caused by extremely low rates of physicians' certification, which were mostly confined to the poisoning and injury. Symptoms, signs, and ill defined conditions on death registry could be classified into circulatory disease(32.3%), neoplasm(21.2%), digestive disease(7.l%), injury and poisoning(7.l%) and so on. These results suggest that careful attention and verification be required on utilization of death registry data in rural area.
- The Degree and Related Factors of the Depression and Burnout among Private Practice Physicians.
Jun Ho Shin, Gun Su Kim, Yo Sub Park, Bek Ju Na, Seok Joon Sohn, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(3):563-575.
- In order to investigate the prevalence and the factors related to the depression and burnout among private practice physicians, a SDS(self-rating depression scale) and MBl(Maslach burnout inventory) -based questionnaire study was performed on 344 private practice physicians in Kwangju and chonnam area. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Mean SDS score was 38.3 in total subjects and the prevalence rate of depression was 48.8%. As for the frequency order of the items of the SDS, decreased libido, diurnal variation and hopelessness were relatively high, and suicidal rumination, constipation and agitation were noted low. 2. Noticeable factors related with depression were smoking, coffee use, sleeping time and satisfaction with income. 3. As a result a factor analysis with the MBl data, five factors named as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment, involvement and self-interest were extracted. Statistical analysis of the data demonstrated that 48.8% of the physician sample reported high scores on emotional exhaustion, and 45.3% scored high on depersonalization. Personal accomplishment scores remained high with 45.3% reporting high personal accomplishment. 4. Variables related to the burnout were age, sleeping time, family size religion, medical speciality. duration of practice setting, visiting patient number, closing day per month and job satisfaction. 5. In the relationship with depression, burnout was closely related to depression. Above results showed that the high percentage of private practice physicians experiencing depression and burnout suggests the need for further research to establish trends, to identify causal factors, and to develop avenues to reduce stress.