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K Y Yoo 2 Articles
Completeness Estimation of the Korean Medical Insurance Data in Childhood Asthma.
M N Ha, H J Kwon, D H Kang, S H Cho, K Y Yoo, Y S Joo, J H Sung, J W Kang, D S Kim, S I Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(2):428-436.
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: The purpose of this paper is to estimate the completeness of the Korean Medical Insurance Data in childhood asthma. METHODS : Capture-recapture method was used to estimate the prevalence of childhood asthma and case ascertainment rate(completeness) of Korean Medical Insurance Data using two source model, 'Korean Medical Insurance Committee Data (KMICD)' and 'Nationwide Study of Asthma and Allergies in Korean Children'. The asthma cases were restricted to those who were born from 1981 to 1989 and were identified by their Resident Register Number. Asthma cases in Korean Medical Insurance Data were defined as cases coded by ICD-9 493 and ICD-10 J45. In 'Nationwide Study of Asthma and Allergies in Korean Children', asthma cases were defined as the children who had been diagnosed asthma and had experienced symptoms of asthma during the past 12 months. The defined cases in two data sources were matched by 13 digits Resident Register Number. The numbers of matched patients in two data sources were 245 of 32,825 eligible total subjects. Chapman and Wittes' nearly unbiased estimation was used for capture-recapture analysis of two data sources. RESULTS : Observed prevalence rate of childhood asthma was 5.3% and estimated prevalence rate by capture-recapture analysis was 11.6%. The highest prevalence rate was observed in 6-7 age group and the older the rate decreased. The completeness (the proportion of cases ascertained by KMICD to the total observed cases by two data sources) was 20.6%, and ranged from 10.8% to 28.8% by area. CONCLUSIONS : Invalid diagnosis of cases might overestimate the prevalence of childhood asthma and might underestimate the completeness of Korean Medical Insurance Committee Data in this study
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Treatment of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
D W Choi, K Y Yoo, H Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1980;13(1):13-18.
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The ultimate goal of treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning is to promote dissociation of carboxyhemoglobin and to maintain arterial PO2 above 50mmHg throughout the course of treatment to protect vital organs from damage caused by hypoxia. The hyperbaric chamber designed and manufactured for this has obviously made and enormous contribution and yet has several handicaps to be overcome by any means. These handicaps are: the financial impact to purchase the chamber(especially in a small, remote community), an extra manpower requirement to operate the device, limitation in the capacity of the chamber (one man type), and the possible hazard of oxygen intoxication and dysbarism. The primary objective of this is to develop a new therapeutic measure as an alternative to the hyperbaric chamber when it is not available or contraindicated. The effect of intestinal perfusion with hydrogen peroxide has been studies by many investigators and was known to be an excellent way of extrapulmonary oxygen supply. The advantage of this method will include ; 1) much more amount of oxygen is delivered to the tissue than one would expect from 100% saturation with oxygen at 1 ata, 2) the procedure is simple and most economical, 3) neither sophisticated equipment nor extra manpower is required. As a study preliminary to the clinical application, authors conducted a series of experiment to observe the effect of hydrogen peroxide enema on dissociation of carboxyhemoglobin in intoxicated rabbit blood. Using an animal gas chamber, 20 rabbits were exposed to CO gas of 6,000 ppm for 60 minutes. Ten rabbits of control group were given 10cc of warmed normal saline solution by reactal perfusion and for the other 10 of the experimental group, the same amount of 1% H2O2 solution was given by the same way. Two blood specimens were drawn from each rabbit : the first one immediately following the exposure and the second one after rectal perfusion, about 30 minutes after the first sampling, The result was as following ; 1) The decrease in carboxyhemoglobin concentration during the first 30 minutes in the control and experimental group were 18.88+/-4.49% and 23.03+/-4.13% respectively showing the significant difference(p<0.05) between the two groups. 2) Hemoglobin and hematocrit value showed no significant difference between two groups and not altered significantly by intestinal perfusion with H2O2.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health