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Kwang Tai Ahn 1 Article
Studies on Standard Physical Growth and Development by Age and Body Height in Korean Youth.
Kwang Tai Ahn, Soon Young Park, Yang Won Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1984;17(1):145-172.
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In order to assess the physical growth pattern of Korean Youth, the authors measured the body height, chestgirth and sitting height of 40967 persons (24832 males and 16135 females) from primary schools, middle and high schools and colleges of metropolitan (urban) and rural areas, and calculated the mene, standard deviation, standard error and coefficient variance of the body weight chestgirth, sitting height and various pertinent index by body height to demonstrate the standard physical growth and development by body height of sex and age. The following conclusions were obtained. 1. Physical growth and development: Rapid growth of physical growth in terms of body height has been observed among males in the age 7-15 and among female 7-13. Growth in terms of body height turned out to be slower among students of higher age by both sexes. The age of cross over between to sexes is between 10 to 13 years where upon girls out grows boys. Maximum annual growth were upon girls out grows boys. Maximum annual growth were both of 6.16cm from 8 to 9 years old and 12 to 13 years old for boys and 7.2cm from 8 to 9 and 6.1cm from 9 to 10 for girls. This indicates that girls enter a rapidly growing stage 2 years earlier than boys. Meanwhile, prominent improvement in body height of national students over period of ten year was noticed. 2. The distribution status of body height by age: The distribution status of body height by age were as follows; 7 year of age: boys-30cm range of body height from 104.0cm to 133.9cm, girls-27cm from 104.0 to 130.9cm, 8 year of age: boys-30cm from 116.0 to 145.9cm, girls-33cm from 113.0 to 145.9cm, 9 year of age: boys-30cm from 116.0 to 145.9cm, girls-33cm from 113.0 to 145.9cm, 10 year of age: boys-39cm from 116.0 to 154.9cm, girls-39cm from 119.0 to 157.9cm, 11 year of age: boys-45cm from 119.0 to 163.9cm, girls-39cm from 122.0 to 160.9cm, 12 year of age: boys-45cm from 125.0 to 169.9cm, girls-42cm from 125.0 to 166.9cm, 13 year of age: boys-45cm from 128.0 to 172.9cm, girls-42cm from 128.0 to 169.9cm, 14 year of age: boys-48cm from 131.0 to 178.9cm, girls-36cm from 134.0 to 169.9cm, 15 year of age: boys-42cm from 137.0 to 181.9cm, girls-33cm from 137.0 to 169.9cm, 16 year of age: boys-39cm from 146.0 to 184.9cm, girls-30cm from 143.0 to 172.9cm, 17 year of age: boys-39cm from 146.0 to 184.9cm, girls-27cm from 143.0 to 169.9cm, 18 year of age: boys-36cm from 152.0 to 187.9cm, girls-27cm from 146.0 to 172.9cm, 19 year of age: boys-30cm from 155.0 to 184.9cm girls-24cm from 146.0 to 169.9cm, 20 year of age: boys-24cm from 158.0 to 181.9cm girls-18cm from 149.0 to 166.9cm, 3. Standard values of body weight, chest-girth and sitting height by body height of age were found all age groups from 7 to 20 years old and listed in tables from 3-a to 16-a. 4. Standard values of relative body weight, relative chestgirth and relative sitting height by body height of age were found all age groups from 7 to 20 years old and listed in tables from 3-b to 16-b. 5. Standard values of physical and nutritional indices (Rohrer index, Kaup index, Vervaeck index and Pelidisi index) by body height of age were found all age groups from 7 to 20 years old and listed in tables from 3-c to 16-c.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health