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Kwi Won Jeong 1 Article
A study on the productivity of physicians operating clinic in Kyeongsangnamdo.
Jeong Ho Kim, Kwi Won Jeong, Jin Ho Chun, Chae Un Lee, Ki Taek Pae, Kong Hyun Kim, Hae Rim Shin, Hyung Jong Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1991;24(2):171-180.
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Productivity analysis of physician is one of essential factors for the optimal health manpower planning. Among 690 physicians operating clinic and registered on the Kyeongsangnamdo Medical Association, 623 physicians were studied with a structural questionnaire from April 1 to May 31, 1990. This study covers the general characteristics and productivity of physicians and attempts to find relevant determinants of their productivity through stepwise multiple regression analysis based on collected data. The major results were as follows. First, physicians were more prevalent 35~44 group (38.2%) in age, male (95.8%) in sex, specialist (76.5%) in specialization, city (78.0%) in geographical location. Age group of 35-54 and specialist were more prevalent in cities than in counties, while age group of 25-44 and 55 over and general practitioner in counties (p<0.001). Second, daily outpatient load of all physician were 77.1 persons on average. Age group of 35~44 had the most outpatient load (90.3 persons) among all age group, 6~10 years group (94.2 persons) in years of duration of practice, 11 hours per day group (83.4 persons) in working hours per day. Specialists had more outpatient load (82.6 persons) than general practitioners (61.1 persons) and physicians in cities had more (80.2 persons) than physicians in counties (66.3 persons). Daily average outpatient load of physicians were significantly different by their age, speciality, number of assistants and years of practice (p<0.001) and working location (p<0.05), but not significantly different by working hours per day of physician (p>0.1). Third, the productivity of physicians operating clinic were significantly affected by the three factorsnumber of assistants of physician, age of physician and duration of practice at the current clinic. Age of physician had negative regression coefficient.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health