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N K Yoon 1 Article
The Investigation on Results from Health Examination of Partial Healthy Public Officials and Private School Teacher in Daegu.
N K Yoon, S K Suh
Korean J Prev Med. 1987;20(1):147-157.
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Authors obtained the results of the investigation for healthy people through the routine health examination of public officers and school personnels in private schools which were conducted in 1986. The results were as follows; 1) Those who were above 20% incidence of body weight for 3917 study population were revealed 5.2% in males and 15.1% in females of 45-49 years of age, 6.8% in males and 24.4% in females of 50-54 years old, 5.8% in males and 13.5% in females of 55-59 years old, and they showed that the incidence were significantly higher in females than in males at 0.01, 0.01 & 0.05 in P-values respectively. 2) Mean+/-SD of total cholesterol level for 3,265 healthy people with both sexes combined showed 181.63+/-34.67 and it was 188.61+/-33.96 in people of 40-59 years old with both sexes combined. Mean+/-SD of fasting blood sugar level for 3,266 healthy people showed 87.28+/-11.67 and that in 40-59 years of age were 89.14+/-11.74. Therefore, mean+/-2SD of total cholesterol and fasting blood sugar were 112.26-250.98mg/dl in males and 58.93-110.61 mg/dl in females. 3) This investigagion showed 3.0% in above 251 mg/dl of total cholesterol and 3.5% in above 111 mg/dl of fasting blood glucose. 4) Those who were above 251 mg/dl of total cholesterol and above 111 mg/dl of blood glucose in above 20% incidence of body weight according to the Broca' index were 12.9% and 7.6% respectively. 5) Those who have hypertension according to the criteria of WHO with obesity of above 20% incidence of body weight showed 8.4% in both sexes (8.2% in males and 8.7% in females). 6) Blood pressures increased according to more aging and gainin body weight.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health