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Seung Chul Ahn 1 Article
Heavy Metal as Risk Factor of Cardiovascular Disease : An Analysis of Blood Lead and Urinary Mercury.
Dae Seon Kim, Eun Hee Lee, Seung Do Yu, Jung Hoon Cha, Seung Chul Ahn
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(4):401-407.
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We wanted to investigate the relationship between heavy metal, especially lead and mercury, to the blood pressure and cholesterol level in children. METHODS: This study was undertaken in three primary schools and the study subjects were a total of 274 children. The lead in the blood and the urine mercury were analyzed by performing atomic absorption spectroscopy. RESULTS: All of participants' blood lead levels and urine mercury concentrations were below the suggested level of concern according to the criteria of the CDC and ATSDR. We found no significant correlation between lead, mercury and the blood pressure. The blood lead level did not show any relationship with the blood pressure and cholesterol. However, the urine mercury levels were associated with the serum cholesterol. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that mercury can induce an increase of cholesterol as a risk factor of myocardial infraction and coronary/cardiovascular disease.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health