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Su Hyung Hong 2 Articles
Evaluation of Fourier Transform Near-infrared Spectrometer for Determination of Oxalate in Standard Urinary Solution.
Yeong Eun Kim, Su Hyung Hong, Jung Wan Kim, Jong Young Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(2):165-170.
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The determination of oxalate in urine is required for the diagnosis and treatment of primary hyperoxaluria, idiopathic stone disease and various intestinal diseases. We examined the possibility of using Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy analysis to quantitate urinary oxalate. The practical advantages of this method include ease of the sample preparation and operation technique, the absence of sample pre-treatments, rapid determination and noninvasiveness. METHODS: The range of oxalate concentration in standard urine solutions was 0-221 mg/l. These 80 different samples were scanned in the region of 780-1,300 nm with a 0.5 nm data interval by a Spectrum One NTS FT-NIR spectrometer. PCR, PLSR and MLR regression models were used to calculate and evaluate the calibration equation. RESULTS: The PCR and PLSR calibration models were obtained from the spectral data and they are exactly same. The standard error of estimation (SEE) and the % variance were 10.34 mg/l and 97.86%, respectively. After full cross validation of this model, the standard error of estimation was 5.278 mg/l, which was much smaller than that of the pre-validation. Furthermore, the MCC (multiple correlation coefficient) was 0.998, which was compatible with the 0.923 or 0.999 obtained from the previous enzymatic methods. CONCLUSIONS: These results showed that FT-NIR spectroscopy can be used for rapid determination of the concentration of oxalate in human urine samples.
Glutathione S-transferases (GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) and N-acetyltransferase 2 Polymorphisms and the Risk of Gastric Cancer.
Su Hyung Hong, Jung Wan Kim, Ho Gak Kim, In Kyu Park, Jun Wook Ryoo, Chang Hyeong Lee, Yoon Kyung Sohn, Jong Young Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(2):135-140.
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Polymorphisms of genes from glutathione Stransferases (GSTs) and N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) have been associated with increased susceptibility to various cancers. Previous results showed that East Asians such as Koreans, Japanese and Chinese have a much higher frequency of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes and NAT2 rapid acetylator type. Therefore, we investigated the association between the polymorphic types of GSTs (GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1) and NAT2 and the incidence of gastric cancer which is one of the most prevalent cancers among the East Asians. METHODS: It was performed in a case-control study consisting of 238 healthy subjects and 108 cancer patients (54 distal and 54 proximal carcinomas). We also evaluated the association between GSTs and NAT2 and the risk factors for gastric cancer such as alcohol consumption, smoking, H. pylori infection, family history of gastric cancer, and tumor location. RESULTS: In our study, the percentage of cases whose hometown was rural was higher than those of controls (odds ratio (OR) =2.88; 95% CI=1.72-4.76), and the frequency of the lower socio-economic status increased significantly in patients (OR=2.53; 95% CI=1.59-4.02). There was no significant difference in the GST polymorphic types between the cases and controls. However, NAT2 rapid or intermediate acetylator types were frequently detected in the cases with family history of gastric cancer (OR=1.92; 95% CI=1.79-26.0). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the hometown and socio-economic status are important environmental factors for gastric carcinogenesis, and NAT2 polymorphic types could be associated with familial gastric carcinoma.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health