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Yong Tae Yum 6 Articles
Heart Diseases Prevalence of Elementary School Children in Kyonggi Province.
Byung Chul Chun, Soon Duck Kim, Yong Tae Yum
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(1):36-44.
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The heart diseases are known as a major cause of sudden death, as well as a cause of poor life-quality of school-age children. But there have been few mass screening of heart diseases in these children in Korea. This study was done to estimate the prevalence of heart diseases of these population. METHODS: We screened all elementary students(grade 1) in 12 cities and 16 counties(Gun) in Kyonggi province from 1992 to 1995. The first screening was done by auscultation of doctors and simultaneously by checking using 'auto-interpreter of EKG-cardiac sound'(Fukuda Densi ECP 50A). We conducted futher examinations to whom classified as being abnormal condition in first screening, by using EKG, chest x-ray, doppler echocardiograpy(if needed). RESULTS: The total number of examined students was 161,308(92% of the population), the male were 83,238 and female were 78,070. The congenital heart diseases(CHD) patients were 290(18 per 10,000) - male 155(18.6 per 10,000) and female 135(17.3 per 10,000). The most frequent disease was ventricula septal defect(VSD, 45.5%), Atrial septal defect(ASD, 14.8%), Tetralogy of Follot(TOF, 11.7%), and Patent Dutus Arteriosis(PDA, 7.6%) in order. In female, the order was VSD(48.1%), ASD(13.3%), TOF(11.1%), and PDA(10.4%). The total number of EKG abnormality were 433(62.7 per 10,000) among 69,056 screened children in 1995. The complete right bundle branch block(CRBBB) and paroxymal ventricular contraction(PVC) were frequent(26.6%, 26.3% in each), and incomplete right bunddle branch block(IRBBB,14.6%), paroxymal atrial contraction(PAC, 6.7%), abnormal Q(5.8%), Wolf-Pakinson-White syndrom (5.5%) in order. In female, the most frequent abnormality was PVC(29.8%), and CRBBB(19.9%) in order. CONCLUSION: We could present the stable prevalence of the rare heart disease. The prevalence of congenital heart diseases was 18.0 per 10,000 and of EKG abnormality was 62.7 per 10,000 among school children.
A study on dermatologic diseases of workers exposed to cutting oil.
Byung Chul Chun, Hee Ok Kim, Soon Duck Kim, Chil Hwan Oh, Yong Tae Yum
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(4):785-800.
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We investigated the 1,004 workers who worked in a automobile factory to study the epidemiologic characterist of dermatoses due to cutting oils. Among the workers, 667(66.4%) answered the questionnaire. They are belong to 5 departments of the factory-the Engine-Work(86), Power train Assembly(17). We measured the oil mist concentration in air of the departments and examined the workers who had dermatologic symptoms. The results were follows; 1) Oil mist concentration; Of all measured points(52), 9 points(17.2%) exceeded 5mg/m3-the time-weighed PEL- and one department had a upper confidence limit(95%) higher than 5mg/m3. 2) Dermatologists examined 213 workers. 172 of them complained any skin symptoms at that time-itching(32.5%), papule(21.6%), scale(15.7%), vesicle(12.5%) in order. The abnormal skin site found by dermatologist were palm(29.3%), finger & nail(24.6%), forearm(16.2%), back of hand(8.4%) in order. 3) As the result of physical examination, we found that 160 workers had skin diseases. Contact dermatitis was the most common; 69 workers had contact dermatitis alone(43.1%), 11 had contact dermatitis with acne(6.9%), 10 had contact dermatitis with folliculitis(6.3%), 1 had contact dermatitis with acne & folliculitis, and 1 had contact dermatitis with abnormal pigmentation. Others were folliculitis(9 workers, 5.6%), acne(8, 5.0%), folliculitis & acne(2, 1.2%), keratosis(1, 0.6%), abnormal pigmentation(1, 0.6%), and non-specific hand eczema(47, 29.3%). 4) The prevalence of any skin diseases was 34.0 per 100 in cutting oil users, and 13.3 per 100 in non-users. Especially, the prevalence of contact dermatitis was 23.0 per 100 in cutting oil users and 4.3 per 100 in non-users. 5) We tried patch test(standard series, oil series, organic solvents) on 49 patients to differentiate allergic contact dermatitis from irritant contact dermatitis and found 20 were positive. 6) In a multivariate analysis(independent=age, tenure, kinds of cutting oil), the risk of skin diseases was higher in the water-based cutting oil user and both oil user than non-user or neat oil user(odds ratio were 2.16 and 2.78, respectively). And the risk of contact dermatitis was much higher at the same groups(odds ratio were 5.16 and 6.82, respectively).
The Study on the Relationships Between Inhalation Volume and Exposure Duration and Biological Indices of Mercury among Workers Exposed to Mercury.
Hye Kyung Park, Jong Tae Park, Eun Il Lee, Yong Tae Yum
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):597-608.
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This study was conducted to evaluate the relationships between the environmental exposure and biological monitoring among workers exposed to metallic mercury. We interviewed each workers to get the medical history including previous hazardous occupational history we measured the respiration rate and tidal volume of each worker in order to calculate the 8-hour inhaled mercury of workers. And we wanted to evaluate the effect of exposure duration to mercury concentrations in blood and urine as biologic exposure indices of metallic mercury. The regression and correlation analysis were done to the relationships of 8-hour inhaled mercury are mercury in blood and urine. The results were as follows; 1. The subjects were 35 fluorescent lamp manufacturing workers. The mean age of subjects was 24.8 years old, and the mean work careers of workers was 1.19 years. 89% of the total was consisted man. 2. The correlation coefficients between 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine were higher than that of only considered air mercury concentration. 3. The correlation coefficients of 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine were above 0.9 in workers who had exposed to mercury more than 1 year. 4. The R-square value and -value of regression analysis between the 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury inn blood and urine was also higher in workers who had exposed to mercury over 1 year than in workers who had less than 1 year working experience. The important results or this study were that relationships between the 8hr-inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine was very high than that with air mercury concentration only. And the results were very apparent when considering workers 1 year or more. Therefore we concluded that the work career and respiratory volume of each individuals should be considered in evaluation the results of biological monitoring of workers exposed to metallic mercury.
An Analytic Study on the Effect of Carbon Disulfide on the Blood Pressure.
Jong Tae Park, Hae Joon Kim, Yong Tae Yum, Do Myung Paek
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):581-596.
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To investigate the effect of carbon disulfide on blood pressure, the BP measurements in the periodic health examination results and the medical records of factory clinic were reviewed The study subjects were composed of 1336 male and 544 female workers, who were categorized into three groups by the exposure status-highly exposed, moderately exposed and non-exposed group. The results of the study were as follows; 1. The age-adjusted mean systolic and diastolic BP of male workers were 122.35 mmHg/79.11mmHg in highly exposed, 121.57mmHg/79.05mmHg in moderately exposed and 122.67mmHg/82.27mmHg in non-exposed group. For female workers, BP were 115.13mmHg/74.49mmHg in moderately exposed and 113.48mmHg/74.30mmHg in non-exposed group. 2. In multiple regression analysis of maximum BP against Age and tenure, the slope coefficients of age and tenure on the systolic BP were 0.379, 0.667 respectively and those on the diastolic BP were 0.331, 0.405 respectively in highly exposed male workers. Tenure was a significant variable in this study. For female workers, however, the slope coefficients of tenure on BP were significant only for systolic BP of moderately- expected group. 3. In multiple regression analysis of Bp against age, cumulative exposure index(CEI), cholesterol, all the variables showed significant slope coefficients in male, but age and CEl on systolic BP were significant for female workers (P<0.05). 4. In the multiple analysis of the amount of Bp change and the velocity of Bp change among male workers, the slope coefficients of tenure tended to increase as exposure level increased. Among female workers, the slope coefficients of tenure were significant on the amount of Bp change and the velocity of Bp change in moderately exposed group.
A Study on the Crops Pollution with Heady Metal.
Yong Tae Yum, Eun Sang Bae, Bae Joung Yun
Korean J Prev Med. 1980;13(1):3-12.
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Certine heavy metals which may lead peoples to poisonous status are widely used in industry and their used have been increasing along with rapid industrialization of this country. Such an increasement of metal uses aggravates the status of environmental pollution affecting foodstuffs which are the most important life supporting factor of animal and human being. Concerning the safety measures to minimize food-borne transmission of such hazardous metals, surveillance is the backbone of them and probably more so with a potential problem such as intoxication. Theoretically, this surveillance should include the determination of levels of heavy metal toxicants in foods, the determination of food consumption patterns and typical total diet, and the estimation of total load the metal contaminant from all sources of exposure including air, water, and occupational sources. In recent year, actually, such estimates on the total daily intake of some heavy metals from foods have been made in several developed countries and a wide variation of date by season, locality, and research method was recognized. Also in this country, this kind of research data is vitally needed to make up for the serious shortage or lack of references to estimate the total amount of heavy metal intake of the people. In this study, a modification model for estimation of the total daily intake of cadmium copper, nickel, zinc, and lead through foods was applied and concentrations of the above metals in crops cultivated in this country were measured with atomic absorption spectrophotometer to get the following results. 1.Level of heavy metal concentration in crops. Generally, the levels of such metals in essential crops such as rice, cucumber, radish, chinese cabbage, apple, pear, grape, and orange are similar or lower than those in Japan and other developed countries. By the way, a striking result on cadmium concentration was increasement of its concentration in rice from 0-0.035ppm in 1970 to 0.11ppm in this study. However, the value is still far below the Japanese Permissible Level of 1.0ppm. 2. Estimation of total daily intake per from foods. A new model for estimation was devised utilizing levels of metal concentration in food, amount of food consumed, and other food factors. Based on the above method, the daily intake of cadmium was estimate to be 70.53 microgram/man/day in average which was as high as the Limit Value of ILO/WHO(up to 71.4 microgram/man/day). Also, 3.89mg of Zinc, 1.65mg of cuppor, 0.32mg of lead were given as the total daily intake per capita by this research. 3. Efficacy of washing or skinning to decrease the amount of metals in crops. After washing the crops sufficiently with commercial linear alkylate sulfonate, the concentration of heavy metals could bae reduced to 50-80% showing decreasement rate of 20-50%. Also, after skinning the fruits, decreasement rate of the heavy metal concentration showed 0-50%.
Syhilis Screening Among some Industrial Workers in Korea.
Yong Tae Yum
Korean J Prev Med. 1978;11(1):110-122.
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A study on the morbidity of syphilils among 729 workers on Po Hang and Ul San Industrial Complexes at the routine periodical examination was performed. In addition to the morbidity, factors related to the disease infection such as educational level, religion, preventive measures taken by the workers, history of urethritis, and so on were studied and analysed to check significant relation. The result were as follows. 1. VDRL and RPR tests were undertaken to determine the sensitivity and specificity of RPR tests which was utilized for all the workers studied. It related 86.4% of sensitivity and specificity 87.7% of specificity from the RPR tests, and 81.8% of sensitivity and 90.1% of specificity from the VDRL tests compared with RPCF test. There were 87.4% of agreement rate vetween RPR and VDRL. Actually, RPR was more sentitive but less specific than VDRL , and found to be a satisfactory screening test for syphilis especially in the fields. 2. Among the workers in Po Hang Area 24.0% of them revealed reactive result, and in Ul San Area 5.2% revealed result showing 4.6 times of risk among workers on Po Hang Area. 3. There were no statistically significant differences between RPR reactive rates and personal characteristics such as educational level, region, history of urethritis experience, history of coitus with prostitute, and preventive measures of V.D taken by workers of evaluated by area of Po Hang and Ul San separately. 4. V.D. could be encountered as an occupational disease in certain conditions of working places and the psychosocial problems of workers. And so, It is necessary that the workers working in special estates such as on Po Hang Industrial Complex should be checked to be screened out by RPR test at periodical examination also should include RPR test be compared with. Regardless of the workmen's compensation, establishment of V.D. treatment clinic of system for such industrial workers is urgently needed. Health education regarding V.D. is another subject to be performed.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health