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Young Doo Lee 5 Articles
A quentitative model for the projection of health expenditure.
Han Joong Kim, Young Doo Lee, Chung Mo Nam
Korean J Prev Med. 1991;24(1):29-36.
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A multiple regression analysis using ordinary least square (OLS) is frequently used for the projection of healt expenditure as well as for the identification of factors affecting health care costs. Data for the analysis often have mixed characteristics of time series and cross section. Parameters as a result of OLS estimation, in this case, are no longer the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) because the data do not satisfy basic assumptions of regression analysis. The study theoretically examined statistical problems induced when OLS estimation was applied with the time series cross section data. Then both the OLS regression and time series cross section regression (TSCS regression) were applied to the same empirical data. Finally, the difference in parameters between the two estimations were explained through residual analysis.
A Study of the Factors Causing Delayed Reimbursement of Medical Insurance Benefit.
Myongsei Sohn, Ki Hong Chun, Young Doo Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(2):259-267.
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The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the hospital and insurer in causing delayed reimbursement of medical insurance benefits. We analyzed major variables at three different sized hospitals to examine the effect of the hospital and insurer using the two-way ANOVA method. The results were as follows: 1. The time interval between claim by hospitals and payment of the benefit was statistically different according to hospital in both admission and outpatient care. 2. The time needed by the insurer for investigating the claimers was statistically different according to hospital and insurer in both admission and outpatient care. There was interaction between the hospital and insurer factors in outpatient care. 3. Although there was interaction between the hospital and insurer factors in admission care, the time interval between claim and payment was statistically different. In outpatient care, the payment interval between claim and payment was also statistically different according to the hospital and insurer.
Cost-benefit Analysis of Health Screening Test for the Insured.
Seung Hum Yu, Myongsei Sohn, Woo Hyung Cho, Eun Cheol Park, Young Doo Lee, Kyu Sik Lee, Ki Hong Chun
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(2):248-258.
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As a result of cost-benefit analysis by making a macroscopic approach to the health screening projects conducted 4 times since 1980 for the insured people of the Korea Medical Insurance Corporation, the following conclusions were reached. 1. The direct costs put into the health screening project, and the time costs which were paid by examines or calculated in terms of social costs have been estimated. The results is that the lowest estimation was 10,337 million won and the highest 15,141 million won when a minimum of 1.5 hours of time spent and a maximum 4 hours were applied. 2. In terms of the psychiatric benefits, the lowest estimation was 5,341 million won while the highest was 5,585 million won. 3. In terms of the benefits for each kind of diseases, the lowest estimation of 37,188 million won and highest estimation of 74,383 million won have been calculated for the liver diseases. And for the cardiovascular diseases, the minimum estimation was 14,475 million won while the maximum was 20,532 million won. In case of pulmonary tuberculosis, with external effect benefits being included, the estimation ranged from the minimum of 1,649 million won to the maximum of 1,832 million won. And the estimation of benefits for diabetes mellitus and renal diseases ranged from 89 million won to 92 million won and from 4,567 million won respectively. 4. In comparing costs and benefits, as a results of comparing each highest and lowest estimation, a range of minimum 46,708 million won and maximum 98,071 million won of benefits has been gained.
Analysis of Sports Medical Care Utilization during the 24th Seoul Olympic Games.
Seung Hum Yu, Myongsei Sohn, Young Doo Lee, Eun Cheol Park, Chun Bae Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(1):136-145.
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This study made a descriptive analysis of the cumulative amount and rate of sports medical care utilization during the 24th Seoul Olympic Games by the participating athletes, officials, etc. The sports medical care utilization was a component of the total medical care use and was basically caused by the prevention and treatment of sports injuries. The analytic data were derived from the Olympic Health Management Information System (OHMIS) of the SLOOC and the Korea Athlete Trainer Association(KATA). These were analyzed according to the., quantity of physician visits and the utilization rate, which was the amount of utilization divided by the total number of participating persons. The results were as follows: Firstly, the sports medical care utilization by the persons participating in the Seoul Olympics amounted to 17.9 % of the total medical care utilization. The venue medical services utilization accounted for 54.7 % of the total physician visits, which was larger than the village medical center's utilization. The number of physician visits per hundred persons during the 2 week period in the venue clinic was 3.03 and that of the village medical center was 2.51, therefore, the total was 5.54. Secondly, athletes accounted for 82.3% and officials 12.2% in the sports medical care utilization by participants. These results were because athletes, who were directly related to the games, called extremely often on the physicians. The utilization rate of sports medical care by athletes was 34.29. Thirdly, the sports medical demand according to type of therapy could be ranked from high to low in the following order: sports massage, thermal therapy, and electrical stimulation treatment, etc. The department of physical therapy in the village medical center was used a great deal. Fourthly, the trend of daily sports medical care utilization by the athletes showed a bell shape centering around the opening day of the Seoul Olympic Games. The utilization rate of athletes was 2.3; however, that of officials was 0.6. Lastly, the sports medical demand was calculated according to the continents, and Central America, Africa and Middle-East Asia proved to have a higher rate of sports medical care utilization than the more powerful and industrialized continent or regions.
A Comparison of Medical Care Services by Types of Medical Care Facility: In cases of normal spontaneous vaginal delivery and acute appendicitis.
Young Doo Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1985;18(1):41-50.
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To find out the differences in medical practice according to the environment of patient care and managerial situation of the medical care institutions, normal spontaneous vaginal delivery and acute appendicitis were selected, which is suitable for comparison because of their high comparability. A total of 473 cases of normal spontaneous vaginal delivery and 408 cases of acute appendicitis was sampled from the claims to Korea Medical Insurance Cooperations during January to June 1984. Complicated cases were excluded from population and sampling was restricted from 40 to 60 percentile for total charges by the type of medical care facility in order to rule out the influence originating from case mix. Important items representing type and quantity of medical care service were compared by type of facility. Major findings are as follows: 1. University hospital shows the highest in charges per case and decrease in order of general hospital, and clinic. 2. In case of normal spontaneous vaginal delivery, average length of stay shows statistically significant difference by type of facility. 3. Charge amount for each service item affected by practice pattern shows statistically significant difference mostly by type of facility. It is suggested that medical practice pattern is different by type of facility for medical services. 4. Difference in total medical expenditure by type of facility is affected more with charges for materials, consumables and drugs than with fee for service activity. 5. In administering drugs to patients, hospital and clinic show higher injection rate than university and general hospital. 6. Clinical Laboratory tests were common in order of uninalysis, hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cell count, urine microscopic examination in cases of normal spontaneous vaginal delivery; white blood cell count, urinalysis, hemoglobin, hematocrit, urine microscopic examination, white blood cell differential count, in cases of acute appendicitis. 7. The result for Laboratory test and Radiologic study shows extreme difference by type of facility. Test rate is lowest in clinic and increase hospital, general hospital, and university hospital in order, both in type and frequency.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health