- Incidence of the Needle-Stick Injuries in Medical Students Among Clinical Training.
Wan Seoup Park, Yun Kyung No, Jong Young Lee, Doohie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):403-410.
- A questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the experience of the needle stick injuries in 144 seniors of a medical school during the previous 10 months. one hundred and five of them (73%) had responded. About sixty-nine percent(72 cases) of the respondents had suffered at least one injury and there had been 129 injuries in total. Seventy-eight(56.6%) of the injuries took place at the time of the venipuncture. The emergency and operating room incurred 76.7 % and 23.3% of the injury, respectively. Injuries with bleeding account for 50.4%. None of the respondents was systematically educated about the prevention of injury. This survey shows that the needle-stick injury is a great risk for the medical students' health, and that educational effort for its prevention is warranted.