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- Volume 28(2); June 1995
- Hazardous Health Effects of Environmental Pollution.
S H Cho
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):245-258.
- No abstract available.
- Health Risk Assessment and Management of Environmental Pollutant.
Y Chung
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):259-281.
- No abstract available.
- The Relationship between Risk Factors of Ischemic Heart Diseases and Diabetes.
B Y Chun
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):282-286.
- No abstract available.
- The Relationship Between Risk Factors of Ischemic Heart Diseases and Cancer.
J G Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):287-296.
- No abstract available.
- Development Strategy & Application of District Health Management Information System.
S S Bae
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):297-313.
- No abstract available.
- Development of DHMIS(District Health Management Information system) and Implementation Strategy.
Y M Chae
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):314-324.
- No abstract available.
Original Articles
- A Comparison of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with Open Cholecystectomy in a Korean Hospital.
Eun Mee Lee, Seung Hum Yu, Myong Sei Sohn, Suk Il Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):325-333.
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was introduced into Korea in 1990 and has been rapidly replacing open cholecystectomy when the indications were met. In this study a medical utilization and technology was assessed on the selected hospitalized patients with cholelithiasis who underwent open or laparoscopic cholecystectomy from April 1, 1991 to March 31, 1994. The results are as follows. Despite the low reimbursement rate by the health insurance, the number of laparoscopic cases have been steadily increased. The post-operative days before health insurance coverage were significantly shortened from 8.4 days to 4.6 days. The preoperative days before health insurance coverage were significantly shorted from 8.4 days to 4.0 days. The total length-of-stays in the hospital were also significantly shortened from 15.2 days to 10.7 and 9.8 days in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The laparoscopic cholecystectomy showed low expenses in all aspects expect the average hospital charges per day. For the hospital to have cost containment, it is more effective if length-of-stay is shorter because of high daily inpatient hospital charge. The laparoscopic cholecystectomy also showed shortened anesthesia time and operation time compared with open cholecystectomy that were statistically significant. The mean anesthesia and operation time for open cholecystectomy were 113.2 and 90.2 minutes but those of laparoscopic cholecystectomy were 105.7 and 68.6 minutes. According to this study the laparoscopic cholecystectomy has reduced the medical expenditure and we recommend this procedure over open cholecystectomy. The further discussion on the different morbidity rate between two types of procedure is essential in providing quality medical care, and to educate specialist.
- Factors Influencing Workers' Perception and Attitude Toward Special Periodic Health Screening Test.
Si Hyun Nam, Sin Kam, Jae Yong Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):334-346.
- To investigate the factors influencing workers' perception and attitude toward special periodic health screening test for workers, a survey with self-administered questionnaires was performed on 279 workers who had special periodic health screening test from september 1 to October 15, 1994. A study model was developed by modifying the health belief model. The end and intermediate response variables of the model were the voluntary participation and necessity perception on the special screening for workers, and The result of analysis was consistent with the study model. Rates for the necessity perception and voluntary participation on the special1 screening for workers were 77.2%, 79.2%, respectively. Factors influencing on the voluntary participation were necessity perception, benefit of special screening for workers, and cue to action. And on the necessity perception were susceptibility and severity to occupational disease, knowledge to special screening for workers, and support of company. General and occupational characteristics influencing on the susceptibility and severity to occupational disease were sex, age, educational level, work duration, and health education. On the knowledge to special screening for workers were age, educational level, work duration, and locus-of-control. On the benefit of special screening for workers were age, locus-of-control, pride on health, and health education. Therefore, to increase the voluntary participation and necessity perception on the special periodic health screening for workers, l) if a worker is judged as occupational disease, the judgment should be widely known in his workplace, 2) the screening result forms should be directly sent to the workers themselves, 3) for the positivity of employers, the campaign and education program subjected to them should be planned, 4) health education should give the first consideration to the younger, lower educational level, and newly employed women, and its frequency should be increased and it should be more frequently dealt with occupation-related subjects, and 5) the employers should have a careful concern in not being disadvantageous to workers due to result of screening.
- Trend and Prediction of Urban Family Expenditure for Health Care.
Jae Yong Park, Si Hyun Nam
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):347-363.
- The increase of health care expenditures is an important problem in the almost countries. Also, suppression of the health care expenditures is an important problem in the health field of Korea since the national health insurance for total people in 1989. Thus, it is very important to grasp the change of the health care expenditures of family and proportions of the health care expenditures to total expenditures of family, because they are the basis of national health care expenditures in Korea. While the health care expenditures of urban family were increased during 1980-1993 by 12.8% annually, the total expenditures of urban family were increased by 14.8% annually. consequently, the proportions of health care expenditures to total expenditures were decreased from 5.98% to 4.76%. The proportions of health care expenditure for 3 years to come were predicted to 4.75% in 1994, 4.67% in 1995, and 4.63% in 1996 by the time-series ana]ysis. That is, it was predicted that they would be decreasing slowly. The product elasticity of health care expenditure was less than 1 in the multiple regression analysis, so the health care is normal good rather than superior good. Therefore, it seems that the household economy is able to bear the expense pursuing the improvement of quality of health care by actualizing the medical insurance fee.
- Prevalence of Preipheral arterial diseases(PAD) used by edinburgh claudication questionnaire among the elderly people in rural communities.
Ji Yeon Son, Gui Yeon Kim, Jong Young Lee, Doo Hie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):364-372.
- Peripheral arterial disease(PAD) is a major health problem in the elderly population, so prevalence of PAD is investigated using Edinburgh claudication questionnaire. Subjects were over 65 years old in the kyeongsan county. The prevalence of PAD was 9.0% in total population(8.5% in men, 9.3% in women). definite claudication was 3.9%, atypical claudication was 5.l%. and, grade 1 was 4.4%, grade 2 was 4.6%. The prevalence of PAD was increased with age but not statistically significant. There was no difference of PAD by gender and smoking. PAD was significantly associated with systolic blood pressure positively. But, unexpectedly, PAD was significantly associated with BMl negatively. PAD are important elderly health problem in the our country. so the etiology and preventive methods of PAD will be researched on our country population.
- Blood Lead Level and Intelligence among Children.
Duk Hee Lee, Yong Hwan Lee, Jin Ha Kim, In Geun Park, Tae Young Han, She Han Jang
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):373-385.
- The association between blood lead children and Intelligent Quotient(IQ) was investigated in a sample of l00 boys and girls aged 6-8 years from one primary school within an industrial area of Pusan. The trained undergraduates in school of public health administered an I.Q. test one by one. Parents answered a questionnaire on demographic, perinatal and socioeconomic variables. Atomic Absorbtion spectrophotometer was used to determine blood lead levels. The geometric mean of blood lead value was 7.99 microgram/dl. In total children, there was no significant relationship between blood lead level and I.Q. But in the children who were born of gestational age of less than 38 weeks, children with higher levels of blood lead performed more poorly on I.Q. test with correlation coefficient from -0.68 to -0.71. But, the children who were born of gestational age of 38 weeks and more were same as total children. These results suggest that exposure to low levels of lead in the children who were born premature probably may result in impaired intelligent development. But, we think that more profound study should be performed with sufficient numbers of subjects.
- Neurobehavioral Changes according to Cumulative Exposure of Complex Organic Solvents.
Duk Hee Lee, In Geun Park, Jin Ha Kim, Young Hawn Lee, Sung Gye Kang, Doo Hie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):386-397.
- A cross sectional study was performed to evaluate the neurobehavioral effects of chronic exposure of complex organic solvents, using NCTB(Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery) recommended by WHO(World Health organization). Forty female shoe factory workers and twenty-two controls matched with age were participated. The tests were performed in the morning before start of work, to exclude the effects of acute exposure. Workers were exposed mainly to toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, n-hexane, cyclo-hexane, dichloroethylene, trichloroethylene, benzene, xylenes etc. The ranges of present solvent exposure of hygienic effect were 0.46~0.71 in the process using adhesives indirectly, and 1.83-2.39 in the process using it directly. We reclassified the subjects, according to cumulative exposure. It showed significantly poorer performances in high exposed group on Santa Ana Dexterity and Benton visual Retention, compared with control group. After controlling confounder, the significances were still remained. But, further cohort studies, having the information of personal exposure dose from entering a factory, are required to clarify the effects of chronic exposure of complex organic solvents in relation to dose and duration of exposure.
- Multiple Brain Calcification in Chronic Lead Poisoning.
Sung Ryul Kim, Byoung Gwon Kim, Young Seoub Hong, Do Won Dam, Soon Seob Choi, Kap Yull Jung, Joon Youn Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):398-405.
- We experienced a case of occupational lead poisoning employed in a secondary lead smelting plant for 12 years. The patient was 39-year-old male and had been felt dizziness, recent memory impairment and intermittent severe abdominal pain for 2 years. On admission, blood lead level was 92.9 microgram/dl, urinary lead level was 19,9 microgram/l and zinc protoporphyrin level was 226.0 microgram/dl. On the blood test, hemoglobin was 10.6 g/dl and showed normocytic normochromic anemia. There were no abnormal findings in the biochemical and hormonal tests. Decrease of I.Q. and use of words in speaking were found in the psychiatric and psychologic examinations. We observed the finding of motor polyneuropathy in the nerve conduction velocity test. Computed tomographic finding showed calcification lesions in the basal ganglia, dentate nuclei, caudate nuclei, and especially characteristic multiple calcifications were located in the subcortical white matter.
- A Study on the Manganese Exposure and Health Hazard among Manganese Manufacturing Woman Workers.
Hyun Sul Lim, Ji Yong Kim, Hae Kwan Cheong, Hoe Kyung Cheong
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):406-420.
- No abstract available.
- A study on renal function indices in lead exposed male workers.
Sung Soo Lee, Young Hwangbo, Kyu Dong Ahn, Byung Kook Lee, Joung Soon Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):421-432.
- The influence of lead exposure on renal function was studied. Eighty nine lead exposed workers who worked in 2 storage battery factories, and seventy one control workers were chosen for this study. Blood lead(pbB) and zinc protoporphyrin in whole blood(ZPP) were selected as indicators of lead exposure. As indicators of renal function, urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase(NAG), blood urea nitrogen(BUN), serum creatinine(S-Cr), total protein in urine(U-Tp),and serum uric acid(S-Ua) were selected. The results obtained were as follows: 1. while the mean values of lead exposure indicators of lead workers were significantly different from non-exposed ones, the mean values of NAG, U-TP, BUN and S-Cr of renal function indicators of exposed were also significantly different from non-exposed but their mean values were all within normal limits. 2. BUN, logarithmic U-TP, logarithmic NAG and S-Cr showed statistically significant correlation with pbB. 3. The proportion of workers whose values of renal function indicators were over the normal limits(NAG7.5 U/g cr; U-TP 10.9mg/dl; BuN20 mg/dl; S-Cr1.2 mg/dl; S-Ua7.0 mg/dl) by the level of lead absorption in terms of pbB and ZPP were calculated. The proportion of workers with over the normal limits of U-TP among total workers showed the dose-response relationship. when age is adjusted, U-TP showed significantly strong dose-response relationship with the level of pbB and ZPP.