Objectives Reproductive health education is essential for adolescents with hearing impairment. Since they communicate using specialized language (i.e., sign language), specialized reproductive health services in sign language is a necessity. This study aimed to describe the needs, availability, and expectations of reproductive health services among adolescents with hearing impairment. Methods: This study used a qualitative approach. It was carried out at a school for children with special needs in the city of Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Data were collected by in-depth interviews. The informants were 6 adolescents with hearing impairment aged 16-17 years and 4 other key informants, including school staff and health officers. The data were then analyzed using the thematic method. Results: We found that the informants had insufficient knowledge regarding reproductive health. There was no specific subject in the curriculum regarding this issue. Teachers did not specifically provide reproductive health information. The health service unit in the school had not been utilized well for this purpose. Furthermore, no reproductive health services were provided due to the limited number of healthcare workers who could use sign language. Conclusions: The awareness and intentions of adolescents with hearing impairment regarding access to reproductive health services remain low. Health service units at schools should be optimized to enable schools to provide reproductive health information and services for these adolescents.
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Cultural Norms and Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health in Bali, Indonesia: A Narrative Review Anastasia Septya Titisari, Judi Mesman, Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi Journal of Applied Youth Studies.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Improving Access to HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health Information and Services among Adolescents with Hearing Impairment in Ibadan, Nigeria: Protocol for a Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Emmanuel Adebayo, Adesola Olumide, Halimat Olaniyan, Babatunde Oluwagbayela Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences.2023; 20(2): 150. CrossRef
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH OF CHILDBEARING AGE WOMEN WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES IN DENPASAR 2020 Putu Ayu Krisnawati, Ni Luh Putu Suariyani Journal of Public Health Research and Community Health Development.2022; 6(1): 63. CrossRef
Hyunjoo Kim, Sangchul Roh, Ho Jang Kwon, Ki Chung Paik, Moo Yong Rhee, Jae Yun Jeong, Myung Ho Lim, Mi Jin Koo, Chang Hoon Kim, Hae Young Kim, Jeong Hun Lim, Dong Hyun Kim
OBJECTIVES We conducted an epidemiologic survey to evaluate the effect of the aircraft noise exposure on the health of the residents near the military airbases in Pyeongtaek City. METHODS: The evaluation of environmental noise level, questionnaire survey, and health examination were performed for 917 residents. The study population consisted of four groups: subjects who lived in the village close to the fighter airbase (high exposure), subjects who lived along the course of fighters (intermediate exposure), and subjects near a helicopter airbase, and the control group. RESULTS: The prevalence of the aircraft noise related accident and irritable bowel syndrome in the exposure groups were higher than that of the control group. The risks of noise induced hearing loss, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were higher in the exposed groups than in the control group. The prevalence of anxiety disorder and primary insomnia were higher in the exposed groups than in the control group. Prevalence odd ratios of the risk for primary insomnia after adjusting age, sex, agricultural noise, and occupation were 4.03 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.56-10.47] for the subject near the helicopter airbase, 1.23 (95% CI 0.40-3.76) for those intermediately exposed to fighter noise, and 4.99 (95% CI 2.14-11.64) for those highly exposed to fighter noise. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study suggest that the aircraft noise may have adverse effects on hearing function, cardiovascular health and mental health. Therefore, it seems to be needed to take proper measures including the control of the aircraft noise and the management of the exposed people's health.
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Association between noise exposure and diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis Mohammad Javad Zare Sakhvidi, Fariba Zare Sakhvidi, Amir Houshang Mehrparvar, Maria Foraster, Payam Dadvand Environmental Research.2018; 166: 647. CrossRef
The Prevalence of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in the Chinese Air Force Population Wenming Wu, Xu Guo, Yunsheng Yang, Lihua Peng, Gaoping Mao, Hyder Qurratulain, Weifeng Wang, Gang Sun Gastroenterology Research and Practice.2013; 2013: 1. CrossRef
Overview of the Environmental Damage, Property Loss, and Health Impairment of Residents around a US Air Force Firing Range Hyun-Sul Lim Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2011; 37(3): 173. CrossRef
OBJECTIVES This study was carried out to evaluate hearing impairment judgement and to investigate the differences in various diagnostic criteria for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) among workers who required for close observation (C). METHODS: Out of 731,029 workers who had taken the specific periodic health examination in 1994, we used the audiometric data on 37,999 workers (C) eliminating the employees who had previous otologic problems. Many investigators have being using different criteria for the evaluation of hearing impairment. In this study, we used the criteria of early (1989-1994), current, compensation for NIHL in Korea, 2-, 3-, 4-divided classification and hearing loss at 4,000 Hz and compared the evaluation results. RESULTS: The prevalences of C and workers who had occupational disease (D1) diagnosed for NIHL were 11.1 % and 0.44 %. There were significant difference in the prevalences of C and D1 depending on different province of Korea. Pure tone averages (PTAs) were not appropriately applied in their evaluation. 97% of workers whom we studied on were below the level of mild hearing loss judged by ISO standard. However, there were wide variations in the prevalence rate of mild hearing loss by diagnostic criteria. Thus, there were different judgements in determining the degree of NIHL depending on which diagnostic criteria were utilized. PTAs were found 20.54 (Rt) and 20.74 (Lt) when the method of 3-divided classification was applied for audiometric data. The degree of hearing impairment of the left ear was more severe than that of right ear. The prevalence of normal hearing threshold below 20 dB was 75.4% and the range of difference in both ear was below 10 dB. Right sided hearing threshold levels were 21.08 dB (500 Hz), 18.44 dB (1,000 Hz), 22.09 (2,000 Hz) and 52.36 dB (4,000 Hz). There was typical high frequency loss (C5-dip at 4,000 Hz) above 30 - 40 dB in normal hearing level. The increasing trend in hearing threshold level was gradually decreased by the increase of PTAs. The difference between PTAs and threshold at 4,000 Hz was about 10 dB. CONCLUSIONS: We could found that PTAs in the previous examination were not appropriately evaluated. This study revealed that they did not use unique criteria for managing the workers of NIHL. For the prevention of NIHL, it was found that the quality control on diagnosis and comprehensive management program were required, especially for those of hearing loss (C).
OBJECTIVES This study was carried out to analyze the hearing-threshold levels and relating factors of 1,048 workers with noise-induced hearing loss(D1). METHODS: We analyzed the hearing-threshold levels and relating factors of 1,048 workers with noise-induced hearing loss(D1) examined by the summary reports of specific health examination results of industries and personal reports of specific health examination results reported by 58 specific health examination institutes and 8 secondary pneumoconiosis examination institutes in 1996. RESULTS: Among 1,048 workers at 510 workplaces, male workers were 1,009 (96.3%) and female workers were 39 (3.7%). The mean ages of workers initially exposed to noise and at present were 28.7 and 47.2, respectively. The duration of total exposure was 16.5 years. Average hearing-threshold levels analyzed by three-divided classification of the study subjects were 43.7dB(Lt) and 42.6dB(Rt). Those analyzed by six-divided classification were 50.5dB(Lt) and 48.6dB(Rt). Among workers with noise-induced shearing loss(D1), 16.3% was unilateral hearing loss and 84.6% was classified to compensation case. 8.8%(Rt) and 10.2%(Lt) of them were suspected to be conductive hearing loss by differences of air-bone hearing-threshold levels. Hearing-threshold levels of workers in manufacturing industry were significantly increased during the short exposure compared with the levels in mining industry. Among manufacturing industries, hearing-threshold levels of workers in trailer and other transportation equipment manufacturing industry were significantly increased. Age and duration of total noise exposure were not significantly related to the average hearing-threshold levels analyzed by three-divided classification. Hearing-threshold levels of female workers were significantly increased during the short exposure compared with those of male workers. Hearing-threshold levels of workers at the high risk group, ages of 20s, 30s and total exposure duration of less than 10 years, were not significantly increased compared with those of the other groups. However, they were exposed at young ages. The 3 leading industries of workers at high risk group were trailer and other transportation equipment manufacturing, automobile manufacturing and assemble-metal manufacturing industries. CONCLUSIONS: This study was the first nationwide analysis of the hearing-threshold levels and relating factors of workers with noise-induced hearing loss(D1). We found the differences of the real number by the statistics of the department of labour and the expected number of worker's compensations for occupationally-induced hearing loss estimated by this study. According to the results of this study, we should carefully examine the methods to narrow this difference.
Reports on a potential relationship between sensory neural hearing loss(SNHL) and cardiovascular or hematologic factor show that the results are controversial. A detailed analysis of risk factors in the development of SNHL was carried out in 3,050 non-noise exposed healthy worker. The mean hearing threshold of both ears at 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000Hz was measured and the effect of age, possible cardiovascular risk factor and hematologic factor (blood viscosity and hemostatic factors) on SNHL were evaluated. First, each of these were associated with loss of hearing sensitivity when univariately and multivariatively analysed. In a multiple regression model, age, sex, body mass index, WBC and total cholesterol level were independently associated with the mean of hearing sensitivity decrease at 4000 and 8000Hz. Second, study subjects were divided into two group (normal vs SNHL) and we compare the possible risk between both groups, and analysed univariate and multivariative logistic model. In a multiple logistic regression model, age, sex, body mass index, WBC and total cholesterol level, total protein, platelet were independently associated with SNHL. Our results show that we have some reliable indices of susceptibility to SNHL using cardiovascular measures or biochemical factor, but future, more extensive studies are required.
In Korea there is no specific method of age adjustment in noise induced hearing loss(NIHL). we attempted the age adjustment to understand the effects of age on the diagnosis of NIHL. We used the International Standard Organization 1999 as an age adjustment method. We used the 1,617 otologically normal person's hearing data from a health examination center, and 206 workers diagnosed as NIHL. we concluded as follows; 1. The ISO 7029 function used for age specific hearing loss is not suited to Korean people. 2. The mean of age specific hearing loss is 11.0 6.2dB, and the older of age, the more decrease on hearing loss, especially in 4000Hz. 3. The difference of NIHL between before age adjustment and after age adjustment in the 3rd decade is 5.4dB, in the 4th decade is 6.7dB, in the 5th decade is 8.5dB, in the 6th decade is 10.4dB, and in the 7th decade is 12.9dB. The older, the more is the difference. 4. After age adjustment, the number of workers diagnosed as NIHL decreases to 60% of unadjusted.
For the purpose of presenting the basic data for the establishment of control measures on the long-term noise exposed workers, this study was carried or on the relationship between personal noise exposed dose and hearing loss on the 67 male workers whose hearing threshold had exceeded 40dB in 4,000Hz, from 1990 to 1992. Conclusively, the level of hearing loss was significantly related to personal noise exposed dose which was measured by the personal noise dosemeter was more efficient rather than the noise level of workplace for the evaluating the long-term change of hearing acuity. And although in the case of not-diagnosed as noise induced hearing loss, it was suspected that the active control programs such as improvement of noisy environment or early transfer to proper workplace were needed on the workers who exposed with over 90dB in personal noise exposed dose.
This study was carried out to evaluate diagnostic criteria of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) among workers in an iron foundry. Of 1,093 workers under the observation of noise-specific health examination, 184 workers were selected by way of first and second screening audiometric examination. A questionnaire survey, otological examinations, Rinne test and audiometric test were performed and the results were as follows; The degree of hearing impairment in the left ear was more severe than in the right ear(p<0.05). The difference between hearing threshold of the first and the second hearing test at 1,000 Hz was about 5 dB with a narrow range of deviations while the difference at 4,000 Hz was about -7dB with a wide range. Of the total study workers, 84.8% were tested within 15 hours away from noise exposure, and the rest after 16 hours. This study has identified that mean hearing loss at 4,000 Hz showed a significant statistical difference among the two study groups while mean hearing loss by 4-divided classification did not. The same phenomena were observed between the group with and without tinnitus and between the group with and without difficulty in hearing(p<0.05). Among 184 workers, 10 workers(5.4%) diagnosed as NIHL by old diagnostic criteria in contrast to 150 workers diagnosed as NIHL by the new diagnostic criteria. There was a significant difference between the two groups in the average hearing loss at 4,000 Hz and 4-divided classification(p<0.01), but there were no significant difference in age, the duration of employment, blood pressure and the duration wearing the personal hearing protector(p>0.05). If we apply Early Loss Index(ELI) method, some workers in younger age group diagnosed as NIHL by the new diagnostic criteria were fallen into within the normal range. In the mean time older age group show reverse results in contrast to the above finding. It is too early to confirm the value of the usage of the new diagnostic criteria in hearing examination. Further study is called for to verify the value of this criteria.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the effect of long term noise exposure on blood pressure among steel mill workers. The workers participated in periodic medical examinations performed from August 27 to September 6 in 1990. Examined were 1,034 workers with high-level noise exposure(average 91.8+/-5.2 dB{AA)), and 390 workers with low-level noise exposure(average 75.2+/-4.6 dB(A)). No significant difference was found in systolic or diastolic blood pressure between the two exposure groups. Prevalence of hypertension (> or = 160 mmHg systolic or > or = 100 mmHg diastolic) was higher in a younger age group (< or = 40 years old) of high-level noise exposure than of low-level noise exposure. However, the difference was not statistically significant. Furthermore, in younger ages, prevalence of. hypertension appeared to be higher in the hearing loss group (> or = 25dB at 1000 Hz or > or = 40 dB at 4000 Hz in at least one ear) than in the normal hearing group. From multiple regression analysis, hearing loss, body mass index, age, alcohol and family history of hypertension were proven to be predictors of diastolic blood pressure (p<0.02). When regression was performed for each age group, hearing loss was a strong predictor of diastolic pressure in the younger age group (p<0.01).
To test if exposure history to rifle fire or cannonade training during military duty can induce hearing loss, history of personal military service and history of gunshot exposure were asked to 228 male college students with self-administrative questionnaire. Otoscopic examination and Rinne's test were performed if any abnormal finding was detected by pure-tone audiometry. Average hearing threshold levels of 500 Hz, 1,000 Hz, 2,000 Hz, 4,000 Hz and threshold levels at 4,000 Hz were calculated for 112 students who were remained after exclusion of cases with history of ear disease, of ototoxic drug administration, and of neuropsychiatric disease, and mean of those were compared between group of students who have completed military duty (completed group) and group of those who have not (not-completed group), and between group exposed(exposed group) and group unexposed to gunshot sound(unexposed group). Mean of average hearing threshold level and mean of threshold levels at 4,000 Hz of completed group and those of exposed group were higher than those of not-completed group and unexposed group, respectively. Proportion of cases that average threshold level was greater than 40 dB of threshold levels at 4,000 Hz was greater than 50 dB were higher also in completed group and exposed group than in duty not-completed group and unexposed group, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis including age, duration of military service, degree of gunshot sound exposure as independent variables and average hearing threshold level as dependant variable, was performed in order to estimate the effect of age on hearing, and any considerable effect of age on hearing could not be found. In conclusion, hearing impairment can be induced by rifle fire or cannonade training.