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Introduction of Vaccinomics to Develop Personalized Vaccines in Light of Changes in the Usage of Hantaan Virus Vaccine (Hantavax®) in Korea
Jong-Myon Bae
J Prev Med Public Health. 2019;52(5):277-280.   Published online August 7, 2019
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of Korea made an official announcement in March 2018 that the total number of inoculations of Hantaan virus vaccine (Hantavax®) would change from 3 to 4. Some aspects of this decision remain controversial. Based on the characteristics of Hantaan virus (HTNV) and its role in the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, it might be difficult to develop an effective and safe HTNV vaccine through the isolate-inactivate-inject paradigm. With the development of high-throughput ‘omics’ technologies in the 21st century, vaccinomics has been introduced. While the goal of vaccinomics is to develop equations to describe and predict the immune response, it could also serve as a tool for developing new vaccine candidates and individualized approaches to vaccinology. Thus, the possibility of applying the innovative field of vaccinomics to develop a more effective and safer HTNV vaccine should be considered.
Korean summary
신증후출혈열 (Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, HFRS)를 예방하기 위한 백신들이 여러 가지로 개발 중에 있지만, 한탄 바이러스 (Hantaan virus) 의 병원체 특성과 HFRS의 임상적 특성으로 효과적이고 안전한 백신 개발을 어렵게 하고 있다. 투여할 백신에 대한 ‘면역과정을 이해하고 백신효능을 예측하여’ 백신개발에 활용하는 백신체학의 적용을 적극 강구할 필요가 있다.


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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health