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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 12(1); 1979 > Article
Original Article Sociomedical Study on the Person Recieved Permanent Sterilization Method in Busan Area.
Ill Yong Song
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1979;12(1):70-78
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This study was carried out for the evaluation on the sociomedical characteristics of 1,580 cases who had received vasectomy and laparoscopic sterilization at the Busan Family Planning Clinic from January 1978 to December 1978. The results obtained were as follows : 1. In age distribution, the most predominant age group consisted of 30.34 years as 44.7%. In regional distribution, the most predominant region was Youngdo ku in the vasectomy group and Dong Ku in the laparoscopic sterilization group. 2. The educational level showed that the high school graduates(49.2%) in the vasectomy group and the primary school graduates(47.0%) in the laparoscopic sterilization group were the highest each other. 3. The most predominant experienced contraceptive method before accepted permanent sterilization operation was oral pills and non-experienced contraceptive method group was 54.1% of the total. 4. By the span of marital life before accepted permanent sterilization operation, the 5-9years group was the highest. 5. The average number of living children per family was 2.54 in the vasectomy group and 3.0 in the laparoscopic sterilization group. 6. The average frequency of pregnancy per case was 2 in the vasectomy group and 3 in the laparoscopic sterilization group and the most predominant frequency of induced abortion was 1 per case. 7. The most predominant motive of accepting the sterilization operation were family planning education t the reserve forces training in the vasectomy group and at the mother's club in the laparoscopic sterilization group. 8. By the residing status of the cases, rented room was the highest as 69.4%.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health