We conducted this study to obtain basic data of urinary levels of arsenic, cadmium, and zinc in children of Ulsan industrial area and to evaluate the difference in urinary levels of these metals between industrial area and suburban area. METHODS: The study subjects were composed of 348(male 182, female 166) school children residing in industrial area and 100(male 50, female 50) school children of suburban area. We analyzed urinary levels of arsenic, cadmium, and zinc using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. RESULTS: The geometric means of urinary levels of arsenic, cadmium, and zinc of study participants were 3.69, 0.99, 282.49 microgram/L respectively. The adjusted geometric means of urinary levels of arsenic, cadmium, and zinc of study participants were 3.92, 1.05, 299.92 microgram/g creatinine respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The children residing in industrial area had the higher urinary levels of arsenic and cadmium than suburban children with statistical significance(p<0.01).