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Original Article A Study on Growth Acceleration in Korean as Indirected by the Maximum Growth Age in body Height.
Hyung Gyun Shin, Soon Young Park, Yang Won Park
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1984;17(1):173-192
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College of Medicine, Kyung ee University, Seoul, Korea.
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On the basis of the study intended to research by crosssectional study keeps pace with semilongitudinal study the growthaccelerating phenomena that Maximum Growth age in teenager's body-height. By the random sampling method, the subject of study are 12659 persons(male;6355, female;6304) that they are from 7 ages to 17 ages in the whole country including the rural community. The measurement period passed three month days, the statistical data became electronic data processing system with computer.The other side, body-height and MGA of Koreans who had been for during the period from 1925 to 1966 proved transition of the growth-accelerating phenomena by research data reported between 1913 and 1983. The results are as follows; 1. The Growth and Development-Value of Body-height. An age bracket the growth and development-value of body-height were, respectively, male is 123.88+/-5.05cm and female is 123.29+/-5.54cm for 7 ages group. these indices increased with age. The top-value reach, respectively. 169.08+/-5.62cm and 157.57+/-6.13cm. The intersecting ages of male and female were the age 8.5~12.5, during these periods, female excelled male but after these periods, male excelled female again. In case of body-height, MGA's are 7.0cm for male between 12 and 13 age, and 7.01cm for female between 8 and 9 ages. As a rule, body-height of male excelled female but intersection phenomena of male and female appeared between 8.5 and 12.5 ages. By reginal groups, it is most prevailing is Seoul, and medium size cities and rural community come in order. By regional groups, intersection phenomena of male and female are. a region of Seoul; 8.5~11.5 ages, a region of Daejeon; 7.5~9.5 ages, rural community; 11.5~14.5 ages the whole country's average; 8.5~12.5 ages By regional groups, the rate of maximum increase in a year are a regional of Seoul; male is 7.23cm as 13 ages, female is 7.65cm as 9 ages. a region of Daejeon; male is 7.85cm as 11 ages, female is 8.39cm as 9 ages. rural community; male is 7.65cm as 14 ages, female is 6.25 as 12 ages. the whole country's average; male is 7.0cm as 13 ages, female is 7.01 as 9 ages. 2. Maximum Growth Age (M.G.A.) By reginal groups, maximum Growth Age's are as below in a region of Seoul, MGA's are 12.63 for male and 9.01 for female, which shows that MGA for female appears about 3.5 years earlier than that for male. In a retion of Daejeon, MGA's are 9.20 for male and 8.93 for female, which show that they are all much the same in M.G.A. In rural community, MGA's are 14.00 for male and 11.89 for female, which shows that MGA for female appears about 2 years earlier than that for male. In the whole average, MGA's are 13.01 for male and 8.97 for female, which shows that for female appears about 4 years earlier than that for male. For boy, M.G.A. shows fastest-growing in Daegjeon, and Seoul and rural community come in order. For girl, It shows equal growth in Seoul and Daejeon, rural community comes later. 3. The M.G.A's in body height of male are respectively the age 15.02 in 1913, 14.23 in 1956, 13.86 in 1967, 13.62 in 1975, and 12.82 in 1981, while those of female are the age 12.0 in 1940, 11.52 in 1965, 9.53 in 1975, ad 11.16 in 1980; these data show that the MGA of the Koreans has been getting younger. 4. The equation of linear regression of all the MGA's in body height are as follow; Male: Y(M.G.A) = -0.020 x (the year) + 15.19 : female: Y(MGA) = -0.028 x (the year) + 13.2549. 5. The corelation of all the MGA's in body height are as below; male;r=-0.329, female;r=-0.252. 6. From the transition of the growth-accelating phenomena in 1980 we can capture the fact that the MGA's has been getting younger by 0.2 year per 10 years. 7. The MGA's in bodyheight are shown in table 4. 8. The future growth-accelating phenomena in body height are expected to show the similar tondency like that of the past, in 1910's but it should by more precisely reviewed after investigating the phenomena of the years directly ahead.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health