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Volume 43(5); September 2010
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Comparative Study
Body Weight at Birth and at Age Three and Respiratory Illness in Preschool Children.
Yoolwon Jeong, Kyunghee Jung-Choi, Jin Hwa Lee, Hwa Young Lee, Eun Ae Park, Young Ju Kim, Eunhee Ha, Se Young Oh, Hyesook Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):369-376.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the associations of current body weight and body mass index (BMI) at age three and birth weight in developing chronic respiratory illness in childhood and identify possible interaction underlying its mechanism. METHODS: The study was carried out with 422 children who were enrolled in a hospital-based birth cohort. Birth related anthropometric data were collected at birth. At age 3 years, the presence of respiratory symptoms was evaluated by using the Korean version of core questionnaire for wheezing and asthma from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Physical examination was carried out to measure the child's weight and height. RESULTS: Children in the lowest birth weight tertile (aOR = 3.97, 95% CI = 0.94-16.68) or highest BMI tertile (aOR = 3.68, 95% CI = 1.24-10.95) at three years of age were at an increased risk of chronic respiratory illness. Children who were initially in the lowest birth weight tertile but now belong in the highest weight tertile had higher risk of chronic respiratory illness compared to those who had remained in the middle tertile (OR=16.35, 95% CI=1.66-160.57). CONCLUSIONS: Children with lower birth weight or higher BMI were at an increased risk of chronic respiratory illness. In addition, children who were initially in the lowest birth weight tertile but are now in the highest weight tertile had higher risk of chronic respiratory illness compared to those who remained in the middle tertile.


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Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Blood Mercury Concentration and Related Factors in an Urban Coastal Area in Korea.
Eun Mi Jo, Byoung Gwon Kim, Yu Mi Kim, Seung Do Yu, Chang Hun You, Joon Youn Kim, Young Seoub Hong
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):377-386.
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This study was carried out for the purpose of evaluating the blood mercury concentration of the residents of Busan, Korea, as well as the relationship between the mercury concentration and the pattern of fish consumption along with other epidemiological factors. METHODS: Two hundred ninety-three subjects (147 men and 146 women), who were aged 40 years or more, were recruited into this study between June and October 2009. The mean age of the subjects was 54.3 years (with a range of 40-70 years). Mercury concentrations in blood samples were measured using a gold-amalgam collection method. RESULTS: The geometric mean concentration of mercury in the total subjects was 8.63 microgram/L [range: 1.48~45.71 microgram/L]. The blood mercury concentration of the men (9.55 microgram/L) was significantly higher than that of the women (7.76 microgram/L). The blood mercury concentration of those who eat fish more than 4 times per week was higher than others, and was statistically significant (male p = 0.0019, female p = 0.0002). According to the multiple analysis, the blood mercury concentration was significantly affected by the consumed fish but other epidemiological factors were not related. CONCLUSIONS: It was found that the subjects who have consumed a large amount of fish may have high blood mercury concentration. It appears that fish consumption can influence blood mercury concentration. Therefore, guidelines for fish consumption that will decrease blood mercury concentration might be necessary in Korea.


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    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2011; 44(5): 218.     CrossRef
Comparative Study
Physical and Mental Health of Disaster Victims: A Comparative Study on Typhoon and Oil Spill Disasters.
Soondool Chung, Eunjeong Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):387-395.
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The purpose of this study was to compare the physical and mental health status of disaster victims according to disaster types, such as a typhoon disaster and an oil spill disaster, and to suggest adequate health care services for them. METHODS: A total of 484 people who suffered disasters were selected for this study, and data were collected from July to August, 2008. The data-set for this study included 286 victims of typhoon disasters in Jeju and Jeollanamdo district in South Korea, and 198 victims of the oil spill disaster in Taean. Physical health status was measured using revised Patient Health Questionnaire and mental health status was measured using the Korean version of 'Post-traumatic Diagnostic Scale'. RESULTS: According to the comparative analyses of typhoon disaster victims and oil spill disaster victims, poorer physical health outcomes were shown among the oil spill disaster victims when compared to the typhoon disaster victims. Also, the oil spill disaster victims showed symptoms of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, at rates higher than those found among the typhoon disaster victims. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that there is a need to provide adequate physical and mental health-related care services for oil spill disaster victims. The seriousness of oil spill disaster should be realized and reconsidered in developing recovery strategies and disaster preparedness for physical and mental health services.


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Validation Studies
Validity of Self-Reported Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index of the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey Questionnaire.
Jisuk Bae, Hyojee Joung, Jong Yeon Kim, Kyoung Nam Kwon, Yoonjung Kim, Soon Woo Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):396-402.
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Self-reported anthropometric values, such as height and weight, are used to calculate body mass index (BMI) and assess the prevalence of obesity among adolescents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of self-reported height, weight, and BMI of the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey questionnaire. METHODS: A convenience sample of 137 middle school students and 242 high school students completed a self-administered questionnaire in 2008. Body height and weight were directly measured after self-reported values were obtained from the questionnaire survey. Sensitivity, specificity, and kappa statistics were computed in order to evaluate the validity of the prevalence of obesity (BMI > or = 95th percentile or > or = 25 kg/m2) based on self-reported data. RESULTS: Self-reported weight and BMI tended to be underestimated. Self-reported height tended to be overestimated among middle school females and high school males. Obese adolescents tended to underestimate their weight and BMI and overestimate their height more than non-obese adolescents. The prevalence estimate of obesity based on self-reported data (10.6%) was lower than that based on directly measured data (15.3%). The estimated sensitivity of obesity based on self-reported data was 69.0% and the specificity was 100.0%. The value of kappa was 0.79 (95% confidence interval, 0.70-0.88). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that self-reported height and weight may lead to the underestimation of BMI and consequently the prevalence of obesity. These biases should be taken into account when self-reported data are used for monitoring the prevalence and trends of obesity among adolescents nationwide.


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Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Test-Retest Reliability of a Questionnaire for the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey.
Jisuk Bae, Hyojee Joung, Jong Yeon Kim, Kyoung Nam Kwon, Young Taek Kim, Soon Woo Park
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):403-410.
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AbstractAbstract PDF
A web-based survey has been administered annually since 2005 throughout Korea to assess the prevalence of adolescent health risk behaviors among middle and high school students. The aim of this study was to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS) questionnaire. METHODS: A convenience sample of 2298 middle and high school students participated in self-administered questionnaire surveys twice, approximately two weeks apart, in 2008. The percent agreement, kappa statistics, and prevalence rates at the first and second surveys were computed for the core subset of 39 self-reported health risk behavior indices of the KYRBWS. RESULTS: Among 39 indices, seven indices had kappas > or = 0.81 and all of the indices had kappas > or = 0.41. Based on non-overlapping 95% confidence intervals, three indices had significantly different prevalence rates between the first and second surveys. In the subgroup analyses by school grade and gender, two indices had significantly different reliability estimates between middle and high school students. There were no significantly different reliability estimates between male and female students, except for one index. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that the reliability estimates for the KYRBWS questionnaire are varied, but generally reliable over time. The indices with low reliability estimates need to be evaluated further in order to determine whether the indices should be modified or deleted from future versions of the KYRBWS.


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English Abstract
A Study of Factors Related to Korean Physicians' Trust in the Government: On the Target for Board Members of Physicians' Associations.
Sunhee Lee, Gunmo Yang, Juhyun Seo, Juhye Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):411-422.
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This study aims to investigate the factors related to Korean physicians' trust in the government. METHODS: We used structured questionnaires that were composed of multidimensional scales for each of the various categories. RESULTS: The recognition levels of trust of the government by Korean physicians were not high, and they ranged from 3.6 to 4.8 for ten scales. The factors related to trust in the government were categorized into seven factors on the basis of a factor analysis. On the regression analysis, a positive relationship was found between "the individual propensity to trust" and trust in the government, while a negative relationship was found between "the recognition level regarding the government as an authoritarian power" and trust in the government. "Confidence about participation in the policy process" as internal efficacy and "belief in governmental ability and motivation toward public demand" as external efficacy also showed a strong positive relationship with trust in the government. CONCLUSIONS: From these results, we can draw the conclusion that making efforts to improve the recognition level of trust in the government among physicians is an important policy task. To increase the trust level, participation of physicians in the policy process in various ways and open communication between the physicians'associations and the government should be facilitated.


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  • The Relationship between Trust in Healthcare System and Health Examination Participation
    Baek-Geun Jeong, In-Kyoung Hwang, Hae-Sook Sohn, Kwang-Wook Koh, Tae-Ho Yoon, Jeong-Hun Lim
    Journal of agricultural medicine and community health.2010; 35(4): 395.     CrossRef
Evaluation Studies
The Effect of Catastrophic Health Expenditure on the Transition to Poverty and the Persistence of Poverty in South Korea.
Eun Cheol Song, Young Jeon Shin
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):423-435.
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The low benefit coverage rate of South Korea's health security system has been continually pointed out. A low benefit coverage rate inevitably causes catastrophic health expenditure, which can be the cause of the transition to poverty and the persistence of poverty. This study was conducted to ascertain the effect of catastrophic health expenditure on the transition to poverty and the persistence of poverty in South Korea. METHODS: To determine the degree of social mobility, this study was conducted among the 6311 households that participated in the South Korea Welfare Panel Study in both 2006 and 2008. The effect of catastrophic health expenditure on the transition to poverty and the persistence of poverty in South Korea was assessed via multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The poverty rate in South Korea was 21.6% in 2006 and 20.0% in 2008. 25.1 - 7.3% of the households are facing catastrophic health expenditure. Catastrophic health expenditure was found to affect the transition to poverty even after adjusting for the characteristics of the household and the head of the household, at the threshold of 28% or above. CONCLUSIONS: 25.1% of the households in this study were found to be currently facing catastrophic health expenditure, and it was determined that catastrophic health expenditure is a cause of transition to poverty. This result shows that South Korea's health security system is not an effective social safety net. As such, to prevent catastrophic health expenditure and transition to poverty, the benefit coverage of South Korea's health security system needs to the strengthened.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
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    Eun Jee Chang, Sanggu Kang, Yeri Jeong, Sungchan Kang, Su Jin Kang
    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2023; 56(1): 67.     CrossRef
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    Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research.2017; 21(1): 24.     CrossRef
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    Min Jung Kim, Sin Kam, Won Kee Lee
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    The Journal of the Korea Contents Association.2016; 16(8): 366.     CrossRef
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    Eunkyoung Kim, Soonman Kwon
    Health Policy and Management.2016; 26(3): 172.     CrossRef
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    So-Yun Kim, Gong-Soog Hong
    Journal of Family and Economic Issues.2015; 36(3): 369.     CrossRef
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    Chang-O Kim, Won Oh Joung
    Social Science & Medicine.2014; 101: 28.     CrossRef
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    Hye-sung Kim, Eunsuk Ahn, Min-Young Kim, Sun-Mi Kim, Hosung Shin
    Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health.2014; 38(1): 17.     CrossRef
  • Changes in Economic Status of Households Associated with Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Cancer in South Korea
    Jae-Woo Choi, Kyoung-Hee Cho, Young Choi, Kyu-Tae Han, Jeoung-A Kwon, Eun-Cheol Park
    Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.2014; 15(6): 2713.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Catastrophic Health Expenditure on the Transition to and Persistence of Poverty in South Korea: Analysis of the Korea Welfare Panel Study Data, 2007-2012
    Eun-Cheol Song, Young-Jeon Shin
    Health Policy and Management.2014; 24(3): 242.     CrossRef
  • Equity in health care: current situation in South Korea
    Hong-Jun Cho
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2013; 56(3): 184.     CrossRef
English Abstracts
Correlations Between Climate Change-Related Infectious Diseases and Meteorological Factors in Korea.
Si Heon Kim, Jae Yeon Jang
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):436-444.
  • 7,837 View
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Infectious diseases are known to be affected by climate change. We investigated if the infectious diseases were related to meteorological factors in Korea. METHODS: Scrub typhus, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), leptospirosis, malaria and Vibrio vulnificus sepsis among the National Notifiable Infectious Diseases were selected as the climate change-related infectious diseases. Temperature, relative humidity and precipitation were used as meteorological factors. The study period was from 2001 through 2008. We examined the seasonality of the diseases and those correlations with meteorological factors. We also analyzed the correlations between the incidences of the diseases during the outbreak periods and monthly meteorological factors in the hyper-endemic regions. RESULTS: All of the investigated diseases showed strong seasonality; malaria and V. vulnificus sepsis were prevalent in summer and scrub typhus, HFRS and leptospirosis were prevalent in the autumn. There were significant correlations between the monthly numbers of cases and all the meteorological factors for malaria and V. vulnificus sepsis, but there were no correlation for the other diseases. However, the incidence of scrub typhus in hyper-endemic region during the outbreak period was positively correlated with temperature and humidity during the summer. The incidences of HFRS and leptospirosis had positive correlations with precipitation in November and temperature and humidity in February, respectively. V. vulnificus sepsis showed positive correlations with precipitation in April/May/July. CONCLUSIONS: In Korea, the incidences of the infectious diseases were correlated with meteorological factors, and this implies that the incidences could be influenced by climate change.


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Mind-Body Approach in the Area of Preventive Medicine: Focusing on Relaxation and Meditation for Stress Management.
Yunesik Kang
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):445-450.
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Emotional support and a stress management program should be simultaneously provided to clients as effective preventive services for healthy behavioral change. This study was conducted to review various relaxation and meditation intervention methods and their applicability for a preventive service program. METHODS AND RESULTS: The author of this paper tried to find various relaxation and meditation programs through a literature review and program searching and to introduce them. The 'Relaxation Response' and 'Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)' are the most the widely used meditative programs in mainstream medical systems. Abdominal breathing, Progressive Musclular Relaxation (PMR), Relaxative Imagery, Autogenic Training (AT) and Biofeedback are other well-known techniques for relaxation and stress management. I have developed and implemented some programs using these methods. Relaxation and meditation classes for cancer patients and a meditation based stress coping workshop are examples of this program. CONCLUSIONS: Relaxation and meditation seem to be good and effective methods for primary, secondary and tertiary preventive service programs. Program development and standardization and further study are needed for more and wider use of the mind-body approach in the preventive service area of medicine.


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Brief Communication
A Comparison of Fasting Glucose and HbA1c for the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus Among Korean Adults.
Woo Jun Yun, Min Ho Shin, Sun Seong Kweon, Kyeong Soo Park, Young Hoon Lee, Hae Sung Nam, Seul Ki Jeong, Yong Woon Yun, Jin Su Choi
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):451-454.
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The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has recently recommended the HbA1c assay as one of four options for making the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, with a cut-point of > or =6.5%. We compared the HbA1c assay and the fasting plasma glucose level for making the diagnosis of diabetes among Korean adults. METHODS: We analyzed 8710 adults (age 45-74 years), who were not diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus, from the Namwon study population. A fasting plasma glucose level of > or =126 mg/dL and an A1c of > or =6.5% were used for the diagnosis of diabetes. The kappa index of agreement was calculated to measure the agreement between the diagnosis based on the fasting plasma glucose level and the HbA1c. RESULTS: The kappa index of agreement between the fasting plasma glucose level and HbA1c was 0.50. CONCLUSIONS: The agreement between the fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c for the diagnosis of diabetes was moderate for Korean adults.


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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health