- A Study on the Incidence of Diabetes and Its Risk Factors in the Impaired Glucose Tolerence.
Joo Hee Park, Yeon Gyo Shin, Joo Ja Kim, Taik Sung Nam, Byung Kook Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):425-437.
- This is to study the incidence of Diabetes and its risk factors in the impaired glucose tolerance group. 1084 subjects who had been examined 3 times for regular check-up in one human dock center under the university hospital were studied between 1986~1993. The results are as follows; Prevalence rate of diabetes was 3.56%, and that of impaired glucose tolerance was 30.90% as of initial examination. The rate of diabetes was increasing with the age where 1.2% at age group 30~39, 3.21% at age group 40~49, 5.84% at age group 50~59, 14.28% at age group 60 and over. And also the rate of impaired glucose tolerance was increasing with the age where 21.29% at age group 30~39, 31.42% at age group 40~49, 38.91% at age group 50~59, 33.33% at age group 60 and over. Of the examinees who were initially examined, total incidence rate of diabetes who developed to obvious diabetes at the 3rd follow-up examination from the initially impaired glucose tolerance group was 4.63% and it was 11.3 times higher than from the normal group (0.41%). After controlling for the effects of both age and obesity, the risk of subsequent diabetes for subjects with impaired glucose tolerance remained significantly higher than for normal subjects (Relative Risk, 10.48). Test for trends for developing to diabetes by the increasing level of fasting blood sugar and 1 hr blood sugar at the initial examination were statistically significant in either normal and impaired glucose tolerance group. To determine the risk factor for developing to diabetes, logistic regression test was applied. Only fasting blood sugar and 1 hr blood sugar were predictors for developing diabetes from the impaired glucose tolerance group at initial examination.
- A Study on Relationship between Exposure to Toluene and Excretion of Hippuric Acid in Urine with Male Sovent Workers.
Sung Soo Lee, Kyu Dong Ahn, Byong Kook Lee, Taik Sung Nam
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(4):480-485.
- The objective of this study was to examine the correlation between personal exposure of toluene at workplace and the concentration of hippuric acid in urine of male solvent workers. The study groups are 60 toluene exposed workers who worked at video tape factory and printing factory. The results are as follows: 1. The coefficient of correlation between toluene concentration of personal exposure and concentration of urinary hippuric acid was 0.649 (regression equation Y=0.015X+0.936, Y=urinary hippuric acid concentration, X=Toluene concentration of personal exposure). 2. Urinary hippuric acid concentration of workers with TLV 100 ppm of toluene was calculated 2.44 g/L by the regression equation (Y=0.015X+0.936).
- An Epidemiologic Study on Related Factors to HBsAg and Anti-HBs.
Joo Ja Kim, Gu Woong Han, Taik Sung Nam
Korean J Prev Med. 1986;19(1):91-99.
- To determine relationships of supposed risk factors to positives for HBsAg and Anti-HBs and also relationships of subjective symptoms to positives for HBsAg and Anti-HBs, study of 658 people working in the hospital, university, bank and other office was performed. Positive rate for HBsAg was about 7.9% and positive rate for Anti-HBs was about 20.0%. Odds ratio of HBsAg was high and significant in individuals who are married and who have previous hepatitis B(P<0.001), medical personnel in family, more than 4 people in a room.(0.01 Odds ratio of Anti-HBs was also significant in individuals who have previous hepatitis B, liver disease in family, more than 4 people in a room.(0.01
- A Survey on Menarche of School Girls in Seoul and Taeru Area.
Taik Sung Nam, Won Duk Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1976;9(1):153-158.
- It is clearly defined through a number of authoritative studies that the age of menarche influenced by the various combined factors such as nutrition status, physical status, physical growth and development status, socio-economic status, locality, culture, education level, climate, rece heredity etc. In order to obtain statistical data regarding the menarche of Korean school girls, anthors investigated on 4207 middle school girls and 703 woman college students in Seoul and Taegu during the period of September 10 to 30, 1973 and the result are summarized as followings; 1. The rates of menses experience by years were 18.2% in the age group of 12 years girls, 31.9% in 13 years, 64.6% in 14 years, 89.8% in 15 years, 98.1% in 16 years respectively. 2. The average age of menarche for the 2504 school girls who were born during the year of 1957-1961 is 13.4 years with the rang of 9 years to 16 years. And the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. 3. The average age of menarche for the 703 woman college students who were born during the year of 1950-1954 is 14.3 years with the rang of 9 years to 18 years. And the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. 4. The apparence of menarche is most common in August (20.7%) for the group who were born during the year of 1957-1961 and most rear in November (4.2%). And it is also most common in August (19.9%) for the group who were born puring the year of 1950-1954 but most rear in June (3.4%).
- Epidemiological Consiteration on Venereal Diseases Control in Korea.
Taik Sung Nam
Korean J Prev Med. 1976;9(1):123-128.
- It is recognized not only by the health experts but also by the public that venereal diseases are remarkably increasing in these days. Therefore, every available measure for declining of the diseases are planned and implemented through case-finding, diagnosis, treatment, education and research. The author intended to compare and analyse infection rates of venereal diseases between reporting from the Ministry of Health and author's private V.D. clinic during 1961-1971. The following results are obtained through the study: 1. According to the report of the Ministry of Health, 45.0% of total examinees were sick with gonorrhea and 6.5% with syphilis, in one hand, on the other hand 78.7% with gonorrhea and 16.3% with syphilis at the author's clinic. 2. By both the report of the ministry and author, highest infection rates were found in 196601968, and this fact was considered by the higher infection rate of G.I. in same years. 3. Contrarily, the lowest infection rates were found out in 1970-1971 through both reports.