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English Abstract Cohort Study on the Association between Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in the Korean Elderly.
Hoi Jeong Lim, Byung Joo Park
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 2008;41(1):23-29
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1Department of Orthodontics and Dental Research Institute, 2nd Stage of Brain Korea, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Korea.
2Department of Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea.
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We examined the association between alcohol consumption and incidence of colorectal cancer in elderly Koreans. METHODS: The cohort members (n=14,304) consisted of 4,834 males and 9,470 females derived from the Korea Elderly Pharmacoepidemiologic Cohort (KEPEC), a population-based dynamic cohort. They were aged 65 years old or older and lived in Busan between 1993-1998; they were beneficiaries of the Korean Medical Insurance Corporation (KMIC). Baseline information was surveyed by a self-administered, mailed questionnaire. This study population was restricted to 14,304 participants who reported alcohol drinking habits on the questionnaire and had not been diagnosed with colorectal cancer at baseline. The adjusted hazard ratios (aHR) of status, type, frequency and daily average amount of alcohol consumption were computed with Cox's proportional hazard model, with the never-drinkers as a reference group and controlling for age and gender. RESULTS: After 4.82 person-years of mean follow-up 112 cases of colorectal cancer occurred. The incidence densities of colorectal cancer were 161 (95% CI=123-200) for never-drinkers, 219 (95% CI=125-339) for ex-drinkers, and 137 (95% CI=84-189) for current-drinkers per 100,000 person-year. The status, type, frequency, and daily average amount of alcohol consumption were not significantly related to the incidence of colorectal cancer after controlling for age and gender. CONCLSIONS: There was no significant association between alcohol consumption and colorectal cancer among elderly people after controlling for age and gender.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health